Mathematics, said to be the Queen of Sciences, has been around since humans first began using numbers. The permanence and universality of mathematics throughout the ages is a consequence of its very nature.
At a Glance
At Mount Allison, the Mathematics program aims to provide an appreciation of the historical, theoretical, and applied nature of mathematics.
All courses in the curriculum offer a blend of theory and practical applications. The program includes lectures supplemented by weekly labs where you can gain hands-on experience.
Introductory courses* may introduce students to the applications to which calculus may be applied or the practical uses of statistics.
Upper-year courses deal with topics ranging from geometry to game theory.
You will be introduced to mathematical concepts such as:
- the practical uses of statistical tools
- theoretical studies of abstract relationships
- the applications of calculus
- the use of number theory in modern cryptography
Many of the courses offered include a substantial computational component and students are encouraged to use the mathematical software tools available.
You are also encouraged to conduct independent summer research projects or to contribute to faculty research projects as a research assistant.
*A Math Assessment Test may be used for a variety of courses to determine your present mathematics ability.

Related programs:
Degree options
At Mount Allison, there are different degree options in Mathematics depending on your interests and career goals.
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Mathematics
As a Bachelor of Arts student with a major in Mathematics, you'll combine your mathematics courses with complementary courses in other disciplines.
A BA honours Mathematics is also available.
Bachelor Science (BSc) in Mathematics
As a Bachelor of Science student with a major in Mathematics, you'll combine your mathematics courses with courses in computer science, chemistry, physics, and other science courses.
A BSc honours Mathematics is also available.
Mathematics +
Some complimentary majors can be combined with Mathematics to create a unique degree. These include:
- BA or BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics
- BA honours in Economics and Mathematics
- BSc honours in Mathematics and Physics
Minor in Mathematics
A minor in Mathematics consists of a selection of core and elective mathematics courses and can be combined with any degree.
Not sure about the difference between a major, a minor, an honours, and a certificate?

MATH 1111 — Calculus I
This course introduces differential calculus. Topics include derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, and exponential functions and applications such as curve sketching, related rates, and optimization problems.
MATH 1311 — Introduction to Data Science
This course emphasizes practical techniques for working with large-scale data and introduces tools and techniques for managing, visualizing, and making sense of data through the use of statistical software. Topics include: descriptive statistics, confidence intervals, regression, and machine learning.
MATH 2221 — Linear Algebra
This course introduces linear algebra and its applications. Topics may include: linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, inner products, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Whenever possible, the course provides geometric interpretation in two- and three-dimensional space.
MATH 2321 — Statistics II
This is a second course in the concepts and techniques of probability and statistics. The course covers a selection of topics from analysis of variance, linear and nonlinear regression, correlation estimation and prediction, independence, Wilcoxon and goodness-of-fit tests and includes data analysis using statistical software. Examples come from a wide variety of sources and disciplines.
MATH 3161 — Complex Variables with Applications
This course covers analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, conformal mapping, complex integrals, Cauchy's integral theorem, Taylor and Laurent Series, residues, evaluation of real integrals, and inverse transforms.
MATH 3301 — Introduction to Game Theory
This course introduces the basic tools and methods of Game Theory. Game Theory is a mathematically oriented approach to understanding the strategic interaction of self-interested agents. Emphasis is on non-cooperative games. Topics include backwards induction, iterative deletion of dominated strategies, Nash equilibrium, repeated games, some equilibrium refinements, evolutionary game theory, and Bayesian Nash equilibria.
MATH 3451 — Methods of Mathematical Physics
This course provides students with a selection of mathematical skills needed in more advanced physics courses. It introduces frequently utilized mathematical methods in theoretical physics in close connection with physics applications. Topics include vector and tensor analysis, use of special functions, operators and eigenvalue problems, Fourier analysis, and complex variable techniques.
MATH 4631 — Theory of Computation
This course is an introduction to theoretical aspects of Computer Science such as formal language and automata theory and complexity theory.
Find a full list of mathematics courses in our Academic Calendar — Mathematics

Faculty Spotlight
Dr. Matthew Betti
Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science
» Mount Allison mathematics professor part of National COVID-19 Modelling Task Force
Whether you're entering the job market or continuing your education, your Mount Allison degree will stand out.
Mount Allison has been recognized by Maclean's as the top primarily undergraduate university in Canada more times than any other university.
With experiential learning and career development opportunities available in every degree, you'll also graduate with hands-on learning and real-world experience.
Our graduates also boast extraordinarily high acceptance rates to top graduate programs and professional schools such as law and medicine.
Popular career paths for Mathematics graduates include:
- market research/data analyst
- quality assurance analyst
- inventory strategist
- actuary/accountant
- budget analyst
- business solutions specialist
- risk management analyst
- statistician/statistical analyst
- efficiency expert
- insurance broker
- appraiser
- astronaut
Alumni Spotlight
The Honourable Justice Wyman W. Webb ('78)
Bachelor of Science, Mathematics
Judge, The Federal Court of Appeal
"Mathematics is a good background for law because of the logic involved."


I have really enjoyed the Math program at Mount Allison; the department is small enough that I could really get to know each of my professors and make connections, but large enough that I got to take a large breadth of classes during my time here. Another great perk is the accessibility of research for students. I have done two summers of research and they have both been very enlightening experiences that taught me a lot.

I adored my time at Mount Allison. In particular, the Math/CS department is as good as any and has made my 4 years in Sackville some of the best of my life. The professors in the department are very friendly, accessible and fun to chat with! I would recommend the study of math to anyone who enjoys to think analytically and enjoys solving problems. Contrary to mainstream thought, it isn't about crunching numbers and solving equations. Rather, math is about explaining complex ideas in a simpler fashion and understanding relationships.
Math Help Centre
The Math Help Centre offers a free drop-in service for students who need help in mathematics. The services are available for any student who wishes to improve their mathematical skills. The Math Help Centre is primarily directed to those in first-year mathematics courses, but students in any course who want help in math-related topics are welcome.

Admission Requirements
Academic Awards
Mount A is #2 in student awards
Maclean’s ranks Mount Allison second in student and faculty awards in its latest University Rankings. To date, 56 Mount Allison students have become Rhodes Scholars — one of the best per capita records in Canada.