Bienvenue aux Études françaises à Mount Allison!
The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures is committed to teaching and research in the areas of French language, literature, and culture so that you can gain knowledge and experience in a language that is at the centre of many cultural domains, from food to philosophy.
Our faculty collectively have a wide variety of backgrounds and specializations. Our comprehensive undergraduate programs respond to student needs, ranging from French language improvement to innovative analysis of literature and culture.
Students planning on some concentration in French have five options:
- Minor in French
- Major in French
- Honours in French
- Major in Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Honours in Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Requirements for each program can be found in the Academic Calendar or contact the program advisor, Dr. Kirsty Bell, kbell@mta.ca
French Skills Assessment
Prior to registering for your first French course at Mount Allison, please log in to Moodle and complete a French Skills Assessment.
This placement step affords the most secure and equitable context for learning. Thanks to the assessment, you'll be among peers with whom you can progress at an appropriate pace. You are invited to take the language assessment even if you have had no prior exposure to the language.
A few days after completing the assessment, you will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to register for the appropriate course(s).
Bonne chance!
The following courses in French will be offered in 2024-25. For full course listings and course descriptions, visit the Academic Calendar.
Fall 2024
FREN 1701 Français intermédiare I
FREN 2401 Langue et lectures I
FREN 3101 Le français écrit avancé I
FREN 3621 Nouvelles écritures, voix nouvelles
FREN 4001 Atelier de stylistique
Winter 2025
FREN 1651 Français préparatoire
FREN 1711 Français intermédiare II
FREN 2501 Langues et lectures II
FREN 2601 Initiation à l’analyse littéraire
FREN 3111 Le français écrit avancé II
FREN 3991A Enfances littéraires