The study of philosophy improves how we think and changes how we live.
At its core a search for understanding, philosophy helps students recognize their deep-rooted beliefs and ideas and challenges them to examine these ideas in detail.
We often make certain assumptions about the world around us without even realizing it. Philosophy helps us uncover and analyze these assumptions.
This process helps us better understand our world. It promotes progress by helping us see which of our assumptions can be justified and which cannot. It multiplies our freedoms, promotes equality, rids us of superstitions, and better equips us to live good and useful lives. It helps us develop into thoughtful, engaged, global citizens.
Call for Student Proposals (Deadline Friday, March 22, 2024)
The Nelson-Littlejohns Award is intended for a student or students enrolled in second or third year of studies within the Departments of Philosophy or Religious Studies at Mount Allison University. The award will be used to support experiential learning and used to pay for activities such as travel costs to deliver a conference paper or take part in a workshop or other initiatives.
To apply, please submit a one-page proposal describing your project idea, including your name and year-of-standing (and the same for any co-applicants), and a short projected budget. Applications may be submitted to Angela Thibodeau, room 112, Hart Hall.
Phoenix Colloquium Series 2023-24
Fall 2023
Oct 20
Dani Inkpen
Mount Allison University
Nov 17
Doug Al-Maini
St. Francis Xavier University
Dec 1
Elis Jones
University of Exeter
Winter 2024
Jan 29
4:30pm, location TBA
Catherine Stinson
Queen's University
*note change of speaker
Feb 9
Mike Doan
Oakland University
Mar 8
Suzanne Beiweis
Mount Allison University
Mar 22
Lacey Decker-Hawthorne
Mount Allison University
Hybrid meetings begin at 3:30pm Atlantic time. Contact Dr. Drew Inkpen ( for the Teams or Zoom link, room info or to join the email list.
Dr. Moser publishes philosophical dialogue
Congrats to Dr. Robbie Moser on his recently-published and innovative philosophical dialogue!
On a Road from Eleusis to Larissa is a dialogue by Mount Allison University Philosophy professor Robbie Moser. Modelled on the Meno dialogue and following in the tradition of imaginative re-writings by Iris Murdoch and others, this text sets contemporary and ancient philosophers in conversation with one another. The voices here recall and respond to Jan Zwicky, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Plato, and others.
Read more on the Hardscrabble Press website.
Want a little taste of an upper-year philosophy course?
Watch Dr. Jane Dryden discuss one of her specialties, the philosophy of disability! For more on this general topic, students can take PHIL 3741: Philosophy of Disability. The video was created in August 2020 to engage students who self-isolated as a precautionary measure during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Contact us
Department of Philosophy
(506) 364-2556
Hart Hall 112
63D York St. Sackville, NB