Geography is a spatial discipline which critically examines our web of human communities layered over a complex physical Earth.
Program description
The geography BA focuses on human-environment relationships and a wide range of sustainable ways of knowing and living.
Community resilience, economic transactions, gendered spaces, and diversity of cultural territories are major areas of concentration in our courses.
We focus on:
- spatial relationships
- an understanding of the principles of ecological and physical system and the cultural, social, economic and political forces acting on those systems
- the social implications of environmental change, and the application of planning theory and methodology to build healthy, happy, more resilient communities
Geographers are ideally suited to important jobs in managing complex human-environment relationships like:
- community planning
- sustainability education
- policies and practices
- cultural mapping
- resource management
- environmental impact assessment
Program advisor
Degree options and courses
The Department of Geography and Environment offers a major, minor, and honours in geography.
For the courses required for these degrees see the Academic Calendar.
Not all courses are offered annually so students need to pay careful attention to the planned patterns of course rotation and to seek advice from the Department as needed.
To keep track of the courses you have taken it is useful to fill in a degree audit form.
Environmental Science Lab AVDX G9
Our general laboratory space, equipped with basic environmental science tools and set-up as an ideal teaching space.
R-Peace non-traditional classroom
A space that support students’ development of themselves as engaged citizens of their communities.
G&E Research Commons
A shared departmental space where we can meet, plan, and research.
GIS Lab AVDX 115
Our general GIS laboratory space equipped with 24 computers licensed to run ESRI Arc GIS software.
In geography we always spend time learning and researching outside in Sackville, around the Bay of Fundy, throughout the Maritimes, and beyond.
Urban environment
In geography we often spend time learning and researching in our communities like Sackville, other Maritime cities, and beyond.