Newcastle Exchange Program

Fine Arts, Music, and Drama have a priority status in selecting students for academic exchange to the University of Newcastle in Australia.

Virtual callboard

Motyer-Fancy Theatre student technicians/interns

Applications are now open for the following paid student positions for the 2025-26 academic year: Marketing Technician, Theatre Technician, and Screen Studies Intern.

To apply, please submit a one-page resume and one-page cover letter outlining your interest and experience.  Please include: your anticipated academic status next year (full-time/part-time and/or course overload); and any known extra-curricular commitments (clubs/societies; sports teams; other contracted employment).

Applications should be emailed in a single PDF to Andrew Kerr Closing date: March 31, 2025.

I. General Parameters
Stipends are set ($15.65 per hour @4hrs/week for 24 weeks + 4% vacation pay) per annum. It is expected that they will devote around 96 hours of work in the theatre as outlined below and assigned by the Director of Drama & Screen Studies, Production Manager (PM), Resident Designer (RD), and Instructor in Applied Theatre (IA).

Work is be expected to be performed on a regular weekly basis (normally 4 hours per week) except where specified by the Director of DSS or other supervisor. Any work completed for academic credit may not be double counted as the technicians’ normal hours.

Students will meet weekly with their supervisor for the assignment of tasks. In addition to individual responsibilities, they may be required to work together on a specific project(s).

These positions are open to part-time or full-time students currently enrolled at Mount Allison University regardless of Major or Program.

II. Positions

Wardrobe Technician

The Wardrobe Technician will report to the Resident Designer in costume and wardrobe. Responsibilities include: ensuring the costume shop, costume storage, and the change rooms are kept neat and orderly; and occasional procurement.  They are responsible managing props and costumes sign-in/out and for ensuring that the Props Closet is kept to professional standards. The Wardrobe Technician will also be expected to support production work throughout the year.

Front-of-House Technician

The Front-of-House (FOH) Technician will report to the PM and/or IA. Responsibilities include: producing show programs; printing posters and tickets; creating show callboard displays; managing the online ticketing system (Eventbrite); and supporting audience relations. The FOH Technician will procure FOH volunteers for every production via public calls and will ensure that the lobby and auditorium are kept to professional standards.

Theatre Technician

The Theatre Technician will report to the PM and Resident Designer. Responsibilities include: ensuring the tidiness and organization of the stage, electrical/sound room, booth and Mezzanine; maintaining basic inventories; assisting with seating reconfigurations; and completing masking transfers in the theatre. The Theatre Technician will also be responsible for ensuring that the backstage area is kept clean and orderly and will also be expected to support production work throughout the year. The Theatre Technician will assist with training fellow students on lighting and sound equipment and software.

Carpentry Technician

The Carpentry Technician will work with and report to the RD and PM on the maintenance and upkeep of the Rehearsal and Staging facility (rm. 161) and Scenic Storage (rm. 172). Responsibilities include: oversite of tool maintenance, tidying workspaces, assisting with rehearsal space management, ensuring proper storage of stock scenery, assisting with production builds, managing paint inventory and storage, and supporting various production-specific tasks such as strikes. The Carpentry Technician will also assist with training fellow students in woodworking and power tools and ensure safety in work areas.

Marketing Technician

The Marketing Technician will report to the PM and the IA with a focus on promoting Motyer-Fancy Theatre productions and any special events connected to the Drama & Screen Studies Program. Responsibilities include: creating and distributing online promotional primarily on existing Facebook and Instagram platforms and local newsletters and platforms; creating and circulating press releases for productions; arranging archival filming of current year productions; regularly updating the digital screen in the theatre lobby; creating and distributing a bi-weekly virtual call board (an e-newsletter); and distributing show posters on campus and in the community. The role works closely with the FOH Technician and the Screen Studies Intern.

Screen Studies Intern

The Screen Studies Intern will report directly to Dr Sarah Fanning on tasks related specifically to the Screen Studies Minor. Responsibilities include: conceptualizing and creating marketing trailers for mainstage productions in the MFT; leading student workshops on filmmaking, editing, and podcast software; creating content (e.g. sizzle reels) to promote events, courses, and the Drama & Screen Program more broadly; creating social media content to spotlight faculty/staff/student achievements; creating promotional materials for student work (e.g. student-directed shows; student-created film projects, etc.); and helping to organize screenings and lead/facilitate discussion for Screen courses/events where required.

Advanced Theatrical Interpretation and independent studies courses

Each winter, Drama Studies students (Major or Minor) can apply to take DRAM 4011: Advanced Theatrical Interpretation or DRAM 4951: Independent Study for the next academic year. Follow the link to learn more about these courses and their application requirements

Crake Foundation support for drama

J.E.A Crake Fellowship in Drama

Established in 2001 through the generosity of the Crake Foundation, this fellowship brings to Mount Allison, from September to April, a theatre specialist who will direct a production, participate in drama courses, supervise student projects, and contribute to the Drama Studies program and the Motyer-Fancy Theatre in other ways appropriate to her or his expertise and experience.

Drama Graduate in Residence

This program, sponsored by the J.E.A. Crake Foundation, brings to the campus for a brief residency Mount Allison graduates who give workshops in areas of special interest, contribute to classes, and counsel on a one-to-one basis students who have a special interest in drama and theatre.

Crake Motyer-Fancy Theatre Workshops

This program complements and supports both the Drama Studies program and the theatre season.