News by tag: [current-page:query:t]

Making a global impact through hands-on learning
Empowering through innovation: how Ian Fogarty's ('93, '96) steam-based teaching is lighting the way for students and communities
1970s–2020s Class Connections Summer 2022
Find out the latest news about your fellow Allisonians
Garnet and gold hard hats
Mount Allison embarks on innovative infrastructure plans for today’s Allisonians and future ones
Time, talent, and treasure
Four leading Canadian philanthropists discuss transformative giving with Mount Allison President Jean-Paul Boudreau
Alumni events and gatherings
Eastern Ontario Alumni Virtual Gathering
1950s-2010s Class Notes Fall 2020
Find out what your classmates and friends are up to
The more we know: COVID-19 edition
Mount Allison researchers examining the scientific, social effects of the pandemic
Practising radical acceptance
Christiana MacDougall (’93) sends Class of 2020 off with words of wisdom
1960s-2010s Class Notes Winter 2020
Find out what your classmates and friends are up to
1960s-2010s Class Notes Fall 2019
Find out what your classmates and friends are up to
1950s-2010s Class Notes Winter 2019
Find out what your classmates and friends are up to
On the path to planning
Tammy Wilson (’93) spends career leading communities on Nova Scotia’s iconic South Shore
Seeing things differently
Lara Murphy ('93) builds her community as co-founder of Calgary's Ryan Murphy Construction