Class officers
Brian Bell
Vice President
Catherine (Cooke) Byard
Maurice Tugwell
Jacqueline (Ewart) Welsh
Raymond Wheeler

Questions? E-mail alumni@mta.ca
Class yell
Pumpkin and Sky,
Pumpkin and Sky,
Spirit of ’68 will never die!
We’ve brain and we’ve brawn,
And when we have gone,
Spirit of ’68 will live on!
We’ve strength and we’ve might
To uphold the right,
Spirit of ’68 will always fight!
May 2023 Reunion

Join your classmates in celebration of your Mount Allison Reunion, May 12-14, 2023!
This year includes a special joint reunion for the Classes of 1968 & 1967!
Letter from the Class Executive
Dear Classmates,
I’m delighted to inform you that registration is now open for the Mount Allison Reunion Weekend this May 12-14, including our 55th. You can register on the Reunion Weekend webpage.
I hope you’ll think very seriously about attending: after all, this will mark our 55th year following graduation from Mount A in 1968, worthy of awe and celebration in itself. But speaking of celebration, it will also allow us to toast the success of our legacy scholarship that we launched at our 45th reunion and that has already been awarded to ten first-year students. In addition, our 55th is a perfect time to begin our preparations for our block-buster 60th reunion that is just around the corner, in 2028.
There’s another compelling reason to attend our 55th and that’s because it will be a joint reunion with the Class of ’67. COVID restrictions precluded the Class of ’67 celebrating its 55th last year, and the enduring partnerships and friendships between our two classes called for our getting together in 2023.
The details regarding the weekend’s festivities are posted on the above-noted Reunion webpage.
Nevertheless, we couldn’t resist customizing the plans for our joint get-together just a little! For example, to ensure that we get off to a quick start on Friday night, we’ll kick off the weekend with a joint class dinner in the Windsor Grand Room. There will be a cash bar, a buffet, and lots of opportunity to mingle. We’ve also arranged to have residence accommodation for both classes in the newly renovated Windsor Hall, where there will be an assigned lounge space (AKA party room) for our use throughout the May 12-14 weekend.
We’ll continue to work on more ways to make this Reunion another unique, endearing, and memorable event. So please return to the Reunion webpage over the coming months to keep up on further updates on the plans.
Our Class of ’68 webpage has also been updated to include new information on our Legacy Project, and an updated list of our scholarship recipients.
In preparing for our 55th, we invite you to dive in to your old photo albums and shoe boxes and pull out some of those pictures of the halcyon days of the 60s and scan them: we’re thinking we might be able to use them to produce a slideshow presentation during the May 2023 weekend.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Brian Bell
Class project
Class of 1968 Entrance Scholarship
The Class of 1968 continues to support its entrance scholarship. Members of the class are encouraged to continue contributing to help students realize their dream of a University education.
The Class of '68 legacy project
In 2008, following our 40th reunion, the Class of ’68 established an entrance scholarship as a legacy project. At our 45th reunion in 2013, we presented a cheque of $103,068 to Mount Allison to formally launch the award. Today, assisted by the ongoing donations of our class, our endowment exceeds $200,000.
The criteria for the scholarship are as follows:
● It is an entrance scholarship.
● It is given to a well-rounded student as demonstrated by their leadership, community service and extracurricular activities.
● The student must have a strong academic standing, though may not be at the top of their class.
● Preference is given to a student with financial need.
Our scholarship was presented to the first recipient in 2014-15 and until 2018, totalled a minimum of $4000 annually. Since then, it was agreed that the full spending allocation of our endowment would be paid out each year with the object of our scholarship becoming a full tuition cost award. In 2021-22, we were able to award a scholarship of almost $9000.
This scholarship is one of only a handful of such awards endowed by a Mount Allison class and available to first year students.
Scholarship recipients
Isabella Matchett, New Brunswick
Jennifer Russell McGrath, Nova Scotia
William Pomeroy, Nova Scotia
Abbey Stroud, Nova Scotia
Grace Henri, Nova Scotia
2017 - 2018
Sarah Choi, New Brunswick
2016 - 2017
Sarah Sonier, Prince Edward Island
2015 -2016
Heather Richards, Ontario
2014 - 2015
Katherine Chamandy, Quebec
Message from Brian Bell, Class President
Our 50th has come and gone gloriously, with the participation of over 100 class members, spouses and partners. It was a wonderful opportunity to again toast the spirit of Pumpkin and Sky and to celebrate the impressive growth and success of our legacy project.
A 50th reunion is nevertheless, bitter-sweet as we’ve now firmly established ourselves as the seniors at the table. With this, a whole new set of challenges arises like ‘How much longer are we going to be able to stand on our chairs for our class yell?’
Fortunately there are still lots of opportunities ahead too, as we are freed from many of the constraints of past roles and responsibilities. Let’s embrace this freedom fully and use it to, among other things, keep connected - through this website and through our Facebook page.
Let’s also agree to convene again in 2023 – not because we have to but because we can’t resist – and to continue to share and celebrate the wonderful stories and friendships of Class of 68 members, families and friends that have so touched and enriched our lives.

Reunion 2018
50th year pin
Front Row (L-R): Robert Crossman, Jean (MacNeil) Crossman, Martha (Robertson) Massey, Jacquie (Ewart) Welsh, Jonne Warner, Jon Van Zoost, Maurice Tugwell, Judith Tompkins, Phyllis (Atkinson) Stopps
Second Row (L-R): Deanna Rice, Mary (Ellis) Stokes-Rees, Sheila Stevenson Archibald, Elaine (Steeves) Smith, Romer Shewchuk, Janice (Hicking) Shewchuk, Ibel (vanZwol) Scammell, Nancy (Grainger) Robb, Paul Ritchie, Robert Watt
Third Row (L-R): Cyril Reid, Barb (Wood) Reid, Garth Rayner, Gloria Rankin, Marilyn (Paynter) Prescott, Gwenyth (Mulkins) Phillips, Sharon Pell MacKinnon, Joan Peggs, Edith (MacCaull) Nicholson, Sue (Gass) Morse, Ewart Morse
Fourth Row (L-R): John Mitchell, Wylie McMullen, Kathleen (Downey) McCullen, Robert McLean, Joan (Jamieson) McDougall, Charles Massey, Mary (Gosbee) Martin, Neil MacLean, Richard MacKinnon, Sandra (Johnston) MacKay
Fifth Row (L-R): Shirley (Adams) MacIntosh, Gerald MacGarvie, Robert Lockhart, Donna (Zwicker) Lock, Alan Lock, Ralph Lewis, Elizabeth (Beveridge) Lebrun, Marilyn (Trimper) Krajc, Elaine (Corey) Huntington, Jane (Roxborough) Halisky
Sixth Row (L-R): Alex Morrison, Darryl Gray, Diane (Merrill) Fullerton, Peter Frost, Moira (MacDonald) Forbes, Michael Forbes, Charles Fawcett, Carol Estey, Nancy (Waller) Cutler, Sandra Crabtree, Wade Cook
Seventh Row (L-R): Eugenia (Trueman) Coates, Sandi Jean (Etheridge) Carmichael, Judy (Porter) Cameron, Catherine (Cooke) Byard, Diane (Bryson) Butler, Pam (Steeves) Bowman, Lynn (MacKinnon) Boothroyd, Elizabeth (Hopper) Boettger, Brian Bell