Events celebrating diversity and inclusion take place throughout the year.

March 21 — International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Students and staff can stop by the R.P. Bell Library and make a button to show advocacy for eliminating racism — help define and understand racism on campus and have some resources available as takeaways.

Black History Month — February 2025

Black History Month is about honouring the enormous contributions that Black people have made, and continue to make, in all sectors of Canadian society. It is about celebrating resilience, innovation, and determination to work towards a more inclusive and equitable country called Canada.

Scavenger Hunt at the R.P. Bell Library 
Feb. 1–28 

Over the month of February, the Library will be hosting a self-led scavenger hunt exploring the digital and physical library space. The theme will be “Afrofuturism in the Stacks” and highlight Black excellence reimagining the future. Grab an activity sheet from Access Services, complete the questions, and return it to receive a ballot for a chance to win a prize!  

Hidden Blackness: Edward Mitchell Bannister (1828-1901) 
On view until April 6 
Owens Art Gallery Main-floor 

Hidden Blackness is the first major exhibition of Edward Mitchell Bannister’s work ever presented in Canada—124 years after the artist’s death. Born in Saint Andrews, New Brunswick, Bannister was a self-taught, nineteenth-century, African American/Canadian painter of the Barbizon school known for pastoral landscapes and seascapes. Learn more

BHM Trip to Halifax 
Saturday, Feb. 1  

Organized by Student Life Office for students that are part of the Black student community.

Pan-African Flag Raising 
Monday, Feb. 3 
12 p.m. | Next to the Owens Art Gallery 

Celebrations for the month will kick off on Monday, Feb. 3 with the Pan-African Flag Raising next to the Owens Art Gallery at 12 p.m. Student, faculty, and staff are encouraged to join the celebration and commemorate the beginning of Black History Month.

Empowered Voices | BIPOC Entrepreneurs Shaping the Future 
Wednesday, Feb. 5  
6–8 p.m. | Crabtree M10 

Join local BIPOC entrepreneurs for a discussion panel as they share their journeys of resilience and innovation. Gain valuable insights on navigating today’s business landscape and building a thriving business in Canada. 

Rep Your Flag: BHM Kick-Off Event 
Wednesday, Feb. 5  
8–11 p.m. | Gracie’s 

Kick off Black History Month with a fun celebration at Gracie’s! Enjoy African and Caribbean cuisine and music. Don’t forget to rep your flag as we come together to honour and celebrate this meaningful month.   This event is reserved for students that are part of the Black student community.

BHM Movie Night 
Friday, Feb. 7 
7–9:30 p.m. | Dunn 113 

More details will be shared soon on Instagram via the African Students Association

BHM Meal at Jennings 
Thursdays in February 

Join us for a special meal honouring and celebrating Black History Month, brought to you by Residence Life and Dining Services.    

Valentine Candy Grams 
February 9-13 
WMSC First Floor 

Spread some love this Valentine’s Day! Purchase candy grams organized by the African Students Association

2025 Davidson Lecture in Canadian Studies – An Afropolitan Intervention w/ Dr. Ede 
4–6 p.m. | Thursday, Feb. 13  
Windsor Grand Room 

Dr. Amatoritsero Ede teaches in the English department at Mount Allison. His research focuses on the relatively new African Studies hot-button sub-discipline, Afropolitanism. He has published richly in this field, with a recent book chapter appearing in the 2024 Routledge Handbook of Black Canadian Literature. He is also a poet and publisher of the maple tree literary supplement. 

Glow in the Dark Pep Rally 
Sunday, Feb. 16 
12–2 p.m. | McCormack Gym 

Join the Mount Allison Black Student-Athletics’ Union for a Glow in the Dark Pep Rally before the Women’s Basketball Senior Game! Celebrate school spirit, showcase student-athletes, and unite the Mountie family. This year, all funds raised will support bursaries for Black student-athletes, advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion at Mount Allison.

Documentary Screening
Wednesday, Feb. 26
3–4:15 p.m. | Dunn 113

In celebration of Black History Month, the Dunn EDI Committee invites you to a screening of Journeys of Black Mathematicians: Forging Resilience.

Heritage & Hustle BIPOC Business Fair  
Friday, Feb. 28 
12–4p.m. |Tweedie Hall 

Black Excellence Gala 
Friday, Feb. 28 
8–10 p.m. | Windsor Grand Room 

For full details of events, follow on Instagram: 

Resources on Black History in Canada

Mount Allison Anti-Racism Policy

Mount Allison's Anti-Racism Policy covers students, staff, and faculty and lays out a process for responding to complaints and reports of racism on campus. 

To make a complaint, to reach out for help, or to seek guidance under the policy, contact the Anti-Racism Education and Response Team (ARERT) at The ARERT is comprised of 7 members (4 staff, 2 students, 1 faculty) and is tasked with responding to complaints of racism, and facilitating anti-racism awareness and education on campus.

Take action every day

The following resources help provide education around racism, unconscious bias, microaggressions, and more, and suggest ways you can support the ongoing work of eliminating all forms of racism and racial discrimination.

Anti-racism resources
Unconscious bias

Microaggressions in the classroom

Indigenous Canadian University Students’ Experiences of Microaggressions

Tool: Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages They Send (pdf) (Adapted from Sue, Derald Wing, Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation, Wiley & Sons, 2010)

When and How to Respond to Microaggressions (Harvard Business Review, 2020)

Responding Effectively to Microaggressions: A Research-Based Workshop (pdf) Christy M. Byrd, PhD University of California, Santa Cruz

Additional resources

UN IDERD homepage

UN "Let's Fight Racism" — real life stories, how to fight racism, educational resources

Stand Up 4 Human Rights (#FightRacism) — information about hate speech, how to take action, more resources

UN International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024) — decade-long campaign to recognize, promote, and protect the right to equality and non-discrimination

Fight Against Racism & Discrimination (UNESCO) — Toolkit for Canadian municipalities

Public Health Resources for Anti-Racism Action — (National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health)