
Mount Allison launches MYActionsMatter campaign, Nov. 25 - Dec. 10

26 Nov 2018

Campus campaign part of the national 16 Days of Activism to Eliminate Gender-Based Violence organized by the Status of Women Canada

16DaysofActivismMount Allison University has joined schools and organizations across Canada in working to eliminate gender-based violence in all its forms through a new awareness campaign this fall. The University is participating in the Status of Women Canada’s 16 Days of Activism to Eliminate Gender-Based Violence — taking place Nov. 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to Dec. 10, International Human Rights Day.

“This is a time to increase awareness about the disproportionate levels of violence faced by women and girls, as Melody_petlock_webwell as diverse populations, such as Indigenous peoples, LGBTQ2 community members, gender non-binary individuals, those living in rural communities, racialized people, and people with disabilities,” explains Melody Petlock, one of the campus campaign organizers and Mount Allison’s SHARE (sexual harassment and assault response and education service) Advisor.

This year’s theme, #MYActionsMatter, asks Canadians to take concrete action to question, call out, and speak up against acts of gender-based violence.Statistics show that women in Canada and around the world continue to face violence each and every day. In response #MYActionsMatter asks the question: what will you do? and calls on individuals to take the pledge against gender-based violence.

Mount Allison has a pan-university Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Policy, updated in 2016. All members of the University community share responsibility to recognize and respond to incidents of sexualized violence.

As part of the 16 Days campaign, the following events and actions will take place on campus:

Monday, November 26, 7 p.m. (Crabtree Auditorium) — Launch of Mount Allison’s Family Violence Recovery Project with a panel comprised of representatives from Autumn House, Crossroads for Women, SHARE, Women and Gender Studies Student Society and more. This project is sponsored by a grant from the Fergusson Foundation.

Thursday, November 29, 7 p.m. (Avard Dixon 120) — Students in the Sociology of Human Services Seminar will present the exciting work they have been doing developing workshops for Autumn House to empower survivors of family violence and with the Cumberland County Sexual Health Centre on educational videos.

Thursday, December 6, 5:30 p.m. (Library/Crabtree Breezeway) —Candlelight Vigil then at 6 p.m. a memorial ceremony remembering the Montreal Massacre. This event is a collaboration of the pan-University Committee on Women and Gender Issues, SHARE, The Rose Campaign, Women’s and Gender Studies Department and WGST Student Society, and Canadian Studies.

Information tables and posters will also be set up in the Student Centre, Library, Jennings Hall and other key locations as part of the 16 Days campaign as well as additional events and initiatives taking place across campus. Look for notices on campus or visit mta.ca/events

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