Diana Hamilton

I am a field ecologist with particular interest in interactions between birds and intertidal communities. The bulk of my research focuses on stopover ecology of migrating shorebirds, community-level interactions among intertidal invertebrates, and top-down and bottom-up effects in marine systems. Honours and graduate students are heavily involved in all aspects of my research.
I enjoy teaching a broad range of biological subjects, with a particular interest in quantitative field ecology and statistics and experimental design.
Additional information about my work can be found on my personal website.
For a list of publications, please visit my research website.
B.Sc. McGill (1990)
M.Sc. University of Western Ontario (1992)
Ph.D. University of Guelph (1997)
Biology 4711 - Advanced Design and Statistical Analysis, Winter
For information on current and recent research, please visit my research website.