Please contact Dr. Sarah Fanning, Director of Drama at if you have any questions. * Indicates required field Full Name *This field is required. Phone Number *This field is required. Email *This field is required. Rank in order which student tech positions interest you Weight Costume/Painting Tech Weight for Costume/Painting Tech -4-3-2-101234 Front-of-House Tech Weight for Front-of-House Tech -4-3-2-101234 General Tech Weight for General Tech -4-3-2-101234 Web/Marketing Tech Weight for Web/Marketing Tech -4-3-2-101234 Experience List your show history at the Motyer-Fancy Theatre *This field is required. Include show name, your position/role, and date List other theatre experience Include show name, your position/role, and date Indicate why you would make a good student technician *This field is required. CAPTCHA Leave this field blank