Shinerama Summer

Shinerama has been a successful fundraising effort at Mount Allison for many years — and is Canada’s largest post-secondary fundraiser, with over 20,000 volunteers from 36 universities annually.
This summer, fourth-year biology student Callie Dowell, Director of Entertainment & Activities for the Mount Allison Students’ Union (MASU), will be leading the Shinerama Campaign, along with a team of volunteers. Events will be held throughout the summer, culminating with the campaign’s main annual fundraiser during Orientation Week — Shine Day.
Mount Allison's Shinerama goal for this year is to raise $20,000 for cystic fibrosis patient support and care.
“Every year that the Shinerama Campaign runs, 10 months are added to a CF patient’s life,” says Dowell. “There is also currently no cure, so all funds will be going towards finding a cure because everyone deserves to live a CF-free life.”
Upcoming events:
• Shinerama BBQ and Cake Musical Chairs (formerly known as Cake Walk) — New Brunswick Day, August 7, Bill Johnstone Memorial Park, 1-3 p.m.
• Bottle Drive — August 8. Recyclables can be dropped off on campus (location TBD) or you can email to arrange for local pick-up.
• 5km Colour Walk/Run — August 26, Student Centre front entrance, 9 a.m. Stay tuned for registration details later this month.
• Annual Garden Party — August 30, Hammond House, 6:30-8:30 p.m., including a silent auction, music, and refreshments. There will be a $10 entry fee and tickets will be sold at the MASU Office beginning August 21 or can be purchased at the door.
• Shine Day — September 9. Open to all new and returning students to participate in car washes and collect donations in locations in Sackville and neighbouring communities.
This past weekend, a live music performance was held at Duckys with a portion of the cover charge being donated to Shinerama, raising just over $500!
If you are unable to attend any in-person Shinerama events this summer, you can also donate to Mount Allison’s Shinerama campaign online.
To keep up with the campaign, follow on Instagram or Facebook!