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A PDF version of the 2010-2011 Academic Calendar is available here. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Table of Contents
| The following regulations apply to students in all undergraduate degree or certificate programs. Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to these regulations as well as to the regulations pertaining to their particular programs. All full and part-time students must register each year according to procedures and time frames supplied by the Registrar's Office. Failure to do so results in a financial penalty and possible denial of registration in certain courses. In September and in January no students may register after the first two weeks of classes following registration, unless approved by an Academic Dean on presentation of a medical certificate or on compassionate grounds. Attending a course while not on the class list does not constitute registration and is not a basis for approval of a request for late registration. Within one week after the date for changes in registration at the beginning of each term, instructors will verify the list of students registered in the course. Students must be properly registered in a course to receive a grade on any assignment or test. Some academic departments require pre-registration of returning students for courses in their departments. For further information, please consult Department Heads. Students with continuous enrolment at the University may elect to graduate under any one calendar in force during their registration subject to the availability of courses with the following exceptions:
Note: This regulation applies only to curriculum changes affecting a student's degree program, as outlined in Section 12.0 - Academic Programs and Section 13.0 - Programs and Courses of Instruction. Students who have earned less than 24 credits have first year standing. Students must have earned 24 credits for second year standing, 54 credits for third year standing, and 84 credits for fourth year standing. Full-time students are expected to register for the equivalent of 30 credits in the Fall and Winter terms, normally 15 credits per term.
Note: The permission of the appropriate Academic Dean is required for registration above 18 credits per term. Note: Students in any program may add ensemble credits in Music to a normal course load. First-year students may select any courses introductory to a discipline for which they have the prerequisites. These will normally be numbered at the 1000 or 2000 level. No student may take the same course more than three times or be examined in it more than four times. No student may take an Applied Music course more than twice or be examined in it more than three times. Students admitted to the university who wish to audit a course must obtain written permission of the instructor before formally registering for the course. The instructor may deny permission to audit the course. The nature and degree of class participation must be clarified in advance and is at the discretion of the course instructor. Students auditing a course will not write final examinations or receive a grade for the course. The notation of 'AU' will be indicated on the transcript upon verification by the instructor that the student has completed the specified nature and degree of class participation. A course may not be changed from credit to audit or from audit to credit status after the last day of the change in registration period. Registration and withdrawal deadlines apply to audited courses. Fees are payable as indicated in the Financial Information section of the Calendar. See Section 11.0 Continuous Learning for regulations that apply to the Spring/Summer term. Registration changes for 3 credit Fall or Winter term courses are allowed until the second Friday of each term and for all 3 and 6 credit full year courses until the second Friday of the Fall term. All students registered during the Fall and Winter terms may withdraw without academic penalty from a 3 credit course before the end of the eighth week of term and from a 6 credit course before the end of the second week in the Winter term. The withdrawal deadline for a full year 3 credit course is the same as for a 6 credit course. In all courses, work worth at least 20% of the final grade will normally be evaluated and returned to students before the withdrawal date for the course. Exemptions from the policy must be authorized by the appropriate Academic Dean. A student who wishes to withdraw after the deadline because of illness or other sufficient reason may apply to the appropriate Dean for a 'W' designation. Any student who does not withdraw from a course in accordance with these regulations must remain registered in the course for the remainder of the term and will receive a grade. A student wishing to transfer from one program to another must apply to the Registrar's Office for a transfer, not later than APRIL 15. For students applying for transfer to Commerce, the deadline is APRIL 15 of their second year of study. For students applying for transfer to Music, the deadline is MARCH 1. For a student applying for transfer to Fine Arts, the deadline is APRIL 1. Request for Change of Degree Program forms are available on the Registrar's Office web page. A student may withdraw from the University without academic penalty by submitting written notification to the Director of Student Life prior to the deadline for withdrawals from 3 and 6 credit courses as outlined in the Calendar of Events. A student who withdraws from the University after this time, will remain registered and will receive grades, and Regulation 10.12 (Standards of Performance) will apply unless the student is granted permission by the appropriate Dean to withdraw without academic penalty because of illness or for other sufficient reasons. Students who have received credit in a subject and who propose to register for a further course in that subject must at registration determine placement in consultation with the department concerned. Placement may be granted without credit. In cases of doubt applicants may be required to write one or more examinations upon entering the University. Students transferring from recognized institutions may be considered for admission with advanced standing. Such students may receive credits for courses previously completed as determined by the Registrar in consultation with the appropriate Academic Department or Academic Dean. Transfer credit will normally be granted for courses with passing grades for which credit has been earned. However, students must obtain a grade of at least C- in all courses used to fulfill prerequisite requirements. Otherwise, written permission of the appropriate Department Head or Program Co-ordinator must be obtained. Transfer credits are recorded on the transcript with credit value value and a notation of 'P' (equivalent to passing grade of C- or higher) or 'CP' (equivalent to passing grade below C-, not eligible to be used as a pre-requisite) and they are excluded from the Grade Point Average. A maximum of 60 transfer credits may be credited toward a degree from Mount Allison. (See also Regulation 10.6.2 regarding transfer credit limitations). Students transferring credits from another institution must provide the following:
Note: Students transferring from another institution to Mount Allison must have provided official transcripts for all post-secondary institutions attended within one year of admission to Mount Allison to be eligible for transfer credits from other institutions to be recognized and count toward a degree from Mount Allison. (Please also refer to section 3.10) Students planning to take courses at another university for Mount Allison credit must first obtain the Registrar's approval, by completing an application for a Letter of Permission, available on the Registrar's Office web page. Students must be in Good Standing to take courses on Letter of Permission at another university. If approval is granted, a Letter of Permission will be issued on payment of the requisite fee. A passing grade may be accepted for transfer credit, however students must obtain a grade of at least C- in all courses used to fulfill prerequisite requirements. Otherwise, written permission of the appropriate Department Head or Program Co-ordinator must be obtained. Transfer credits are recorded on the transcript with credit value only, no grade is recorded and they are excluded from the Grade Point Average. Students must complete with courses from Mount Allison: i) at least half the credits required for a degree ii) at least half of the requirements for a Major or Honours program, including all 3/4000 level credits subject to 10.6.3 iii) at least 6 credits of the requirements for a Minor. Exceptions must be approved by an Academic Dean. The degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Music will be awarded with Distinction at the discretion of the Senate. To be considered for Distinction, a student should have maintained a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of approximately 3.7 in all work undertaken at the University. All degrees with Honours consist of at least 120 credits completed beyond the secondary school level. All candidates for these degrees must meet the average requirements outlined below. A degree with First Class Honours requires attainment of a 3.7 Cumulative Grade Point Average in the prescribed Honours work; a degree with Honours requires attainment of a 3.0 Cumulative Grade Point Average in the prescribed Honours work. Unless a specific statement indicating otherwise appears after the Honours program description, all courses specified in the program are included in the calculation of the Honours average. When a thesis is part of the program, a minimum grade of B is required in all cases. In addition, a cumulative Grade Point Average of approximately 3.0 must be earned by all Honours candidates on all work, including repeated courses, undertaken beyond the first year at Mount Allison. For those in full-time attendance at Mount Allison for three years or fewer, this average will be calculated on all Mount Allison courses taken. Bound copies of an Honours student's thesis must be submitted to the office of the Academic Deans no later than the last day of the final examination period. Students who hold one undergraduate degree from Mount Allison may apply for re-admission to be a candidate for a second different undergraduate degree under the following regulations:
Students who wish to complete the requirements for two different Bachelor's degrees at the same time must apply to the appropriate Academic Dean for approval. If approved, regulations a, b, and c apply. Recipients of a first degree from Mount Allison earned with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of approximately 3.0 in both the last three years of the degree program and in the intended Honours program may apply to an Academic Dean to return as a candidate for an Honours Certificate. Application forms are available on the Registrar's Office web page. In the first week of classes at the beginning of each academic term instructors shall provide each student in their courses with written information indicating the policy concerning assignments, tests, final examination, practical and laboratory work, class participation and attendance. The same information shall also be provided to the Department Head and the appropriate Academic Dean. Course work must be completed prior to the deadline for submission of the final grades. Letter grades are assigned. These grades, with descriptors and Grade Point Average equivalents as applicable, are as follows:
A grade of D (D+, D, D-) in any course will be considered a conditional (non-continuing) pass. In order for a course to be used to fulfill prerequisite requirements, a grade of C- or better must be obtained. Otherwise, written permission of the appropriate Department Head or Program Co-ordinator must be obtained. Results from Special Examinations are reported on a Pass/Fail basis and are excluded from Grade Point Average calculations. Transfer credits are excluded from the Grade Point Average.
In the event that a course is repeated, only the higher grade will be used in the Cumulative Grade Point Average calculation and in calculating the total number of credit hours used for the Cumulative Grade Point Average calculation. In the event that a course is repeated within the same academic session, only the higher grade will be used in the Session Grade Point Average calculation and in calculating the total number of credit hours used for the Session Grade Point Average calculation. In the event that a course is repeated by transfer credit, the transfer credit is excluded from Cumulative Grade Point Average calculations, but the failed attempt(s) that the transfer credit replaces will also be excluded from the Cumulative Grade Point Average calculations. All results from attempts at a course will remain on the transcript. Faculty members may not provide final grades or final exam grades to students in any form prior to the release of grades by the Registrar's Office. The Registrar's Office reports results to students following each examination period if all accounts with the University have been paid. Faculty members must submit final grades to the Registrar's Office according to the following deadlines:
The maximum time limit permitted for a change of final grade is two months from the last day of classes in the term. A grade change must be approved by the Dean of the Faculty in which the course is offered. Once a final grade has been submitted to the Registrar, unsanctioned supplementary examinations or any additional assignments for the purpose of changing that grade are not permitted. Students may apply in writing for re-evaluation of a grade within 30 days of the release of final grades at the end of each term under one of the following scenarios:
Evaluation of students' written work includes evaluation of the quality of the written English as well as of the subject material. Academic standing is determined on the basis of the Session Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). Academic standing is assessed once per year at the end of the Winter term. Students will be assessed for the first time when they have attempted at least 18 credits. Students remain in Good Standing if they attain a Session Grade Point Average (SGPA) of at least 1.5 and a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 1.5. Note: Students must be in Good Standing and have permission of the University for study abroad programs in which the University participates. Note: Students must be in Good Standing if they wish to apply for a Letter of Permission to take courses at another institution or to register for correspondence courses offered by Mount Allison through Continuous Learning. Exceptions must be approved in writing by the appropriate Academic Dean. Students whose academic performance is such that they fail to achieve Good Standing will be placed on Academic Probation, Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal, which will be recorded on their transcript. Students on Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal will be notified in a letter from the Chair of the Admissions and Re-admissions Committee of their academic standing and the procedures and deadlines for appeal. Those students seeking re-admission to the University must apply in a letter addressed to the Chair of the Admissions and Re-admissions Committee to be received by the Registrar's Office by the deadline specified (see 10.12.8 Procedures for Appeals and Re-admissions). Letters of appeal for re-admission received after the deadline will not be considered by the Admissions and Re-admissions Committee. Note: A Letter of appeal will only be forwarded to the Admissions and Re-admissions Committee for consideration if there are no outstanding fees payable on the student's account (see 4.4.4 in the Fees section). Student records are reviewed at the end of each academic term for academic progress. Academic Performance is recorded as Satisfactory (TGPA of at least 1.5) or Unsatisfactory (TGPA of less than 1.5). This is not an academic standing and is not recorded on the transcript, but serves as a warning to students that they might be in academic jeopardy if their grades do not improve and academic advising should be sought. Students who have been in Good Standing will be placed on Academic Probation if they attain:
Students who are on Academic Probation are not permitted to register for more than the normal course load (15 credits in each of the Fall and Winter terms, 12 credits in the Spring/Summer term). To return to Good Standing, students on Academic Probation must attain:
Students on Probation are permitted to continue to register on Probation provided their SGPA during the probationary period is at least 1.5. Students on Probation who do not achieve a SGPA of 1.5 will be placed on Suspension. Students on Academic Probation are not eligible to take courses on Letter of Permission or to register for correspondence courses offered by Mount Allison through Continuous Learning. Exceptions must be approved in writing by the appropriate Academic Dean. Students in Good Standing will be placed on Academic Suspension if in any academic year they obtain a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of less than 1.0. Students who are on Academic Probation will be placed on Academic Suspension if they obtain a Session Grade Point Average (SGPA) of less than 1.5. Students on Academic Suspension may not register for any Mount Allison courses nor receive credit at Mount Allison for courses taken elsewhere during the suspension period. Students may apply for re-admission at the end of the period of Academic Suspension. The period of Academic Suspension is one full year; however, the terms of Academic Suspension are effective until such time as the student applies for and is offered re-admission to the University. If accepted, students will be re-admitted on Academic Probation and special conditions may apply. To seek re-admission following a period of Suspension, students must complete a Former Student Application form and the Supplementary Questionnaire. These must be received by the Registrar's Office at least two months prior to the academic term for which the student is applying for re-admission and, if applying for re-admission to the study term commencing in September, no later than June 15. Application forms are available on the Registrar's Office web page. Students who incur a second academic suspension are dismissed for three years. During dismissal, they may not register for any courses offered by Mount Allison, nor receive credit at Mount Allison for courses taken elsewhere during the dismissal period. Students may apply for re-admission at the end of the period of Academic Dismissal. The terms of Academic Dismissal are effective until such time as the student applies for and is offered re-admission to the University. To seek re-admission following a period of Dismissal, students should complete a Former Student Application form and the Supplementary Questionnaire. These should be received by the Registrar's Office at least two months prior to the academic term for which the student is applying for re-admission and, if applying for re-admission to the study term commencing in September, no later than June 15. Students returning after dismissal will be re-admitted on Academic Probation and special conditions may apply. If they fail to maintain a Session GPA of 1.5, they will be refused further registration at Mount Allison. Students who have been notified that their academic performance is such that they have been placed on Academic Probation, Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal may appeal their academic standing. A Letter of appeal with all supporting evidence must be submitted to the Registrar's Office by the deadline specified in the notification. Letters of appeal, which will be reviewed by the Admissions and Re-admissions Committee, should clearly and completely outline the factors that accounted for poor academic performance and explain why the applicant feels ready to commence studies again. The appeal will be directed to the Admissions and Re-admissions Committee; should it be rejected by that Committee, the student will be informed of the grounds and deadline by which s/he may appeal the Committee's decision to the Re-admissions Appeals Committee, whose decision is final. Disciplinary suspension or dismissal may be imposed by the University Judicial Committee or Academic Judicial Committee for infractions of the student discipline code as outlined in the document "Policies and Procedures for Student Governance". To seek re-admission following disciplinary suspension or dismissal, students should complete a Former Student Application form and the Supplementary Questionnaire. These must be received by the Registrar's Office at least two months prior to the academic term for which the student is applying for re-admission and, if applying for re-admission to the study term commencing in September, no later than June 15. The Admissions and Re-admissions Committee will review the academic record only. Application forms are available on the Registrar's Office web page. Mount Allison recognizes excellent academic performance through the Deans' List. Deans' List standing is assessed once per year after grades have been submitted at the end of the Winter term. To be placed on the Deans' List, a student must:
Note:?Students who achieved Deans' List standing in the academic session preceding a year long Study Abroad program, will maintain Deans' List standing until their Academic Standing is next assessed. Students who participate in a one term study abroad program during an academic session will be assessed for Deans' list standing based on all credits completed at Mount Allison during the session, provided that they have carried the equivalent of a regular thirty credit course load from the combination of study abroad courses and Mount Allison courses. Note:?Students with documented disabilities, on the written recommendation of one of Mount Allison's disability professionals, are entitled to reasonable accommodations with respect to course load expectations. Note:?The Deans' List carries no financial award. All students at Mount Allison are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical manner in their academic work. It is the policy of the University that academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. The following offences constitute major instances of academic dishonesty, and are subject to discipline:
Academic sanctions which may be imposed by instructors, Department Heads and Deans for course-related offenses may include, but are not limited to, the following: failure on the work about which the allegation has been made; failure on the course. Additional disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed by the Academic Judicial Committee include probation, suspension, dismissal or expulsion, which will be recorded on the transcript. Except in cases of expulsion, one year after the expiry of the sanction the student may make a written request to the Registrar to have the notation of the offence removed from the transcript. Mount Allison University encourages students to take responsibility for any health or personal problems that affect their academic performance. If students miss any kind of course work or test or are unable to meet deadlines for assigned work due to medical or personal circumstances beyond their control, they are urged to notify their instructor(s) as soon as they are aware that the illness or problem will affect their attendance and/or academic performance. Together, student and instructor should work to find appropriate and reasonable accommodation(s). The Student Life Office may, in some circumstances, issue a notice on behalf of a student (for example, in the case of a sudden departure from campus due to family or medical circumstances) indicating that in the opinion of that office the student's ability to focus on academic work has been compromised. In such cases, appropriate supporting documentation is held by the Student Life Office. Notes offering suggested accommodation(s) for particular circumstances may occasionally be prepared by professional staff in the Student Life Office but the primary responsibility for such accommodation(s) is between student and instructor. It is understood that students must take personal responsibility for their academic performance, including the management of circumstances that may be beyond their control. Any concerns or allegations of misrepresentation of personal circumstances will be deemed to constitute an allegation of academic dishonesty and may be referred to the Academic Judicial Committee. Note:?For information regarding examination re-read regulations see Regulation 10.11.10. No in-class or take-home tests worth more than 10% of the final grade, and no final tests or examinations, with the exception of laboratory examinations, may be scheduled during the last five days of classes of either term, or between the last day of classes for the term and the first day of the examination schedule. All final tests and examinations (except laboratory examinations) will be scheduled in the final examination period. Requests for exemption from this regulation must be directed to the Vice-President (Academic) for authorization. Academic Departments must retain all final examination papers on file for six months following the date of the examination. On request, students may arrange with a department or program to review their own examination paper(s) after final grades have been released by the Registrar's Office; however papers may not be removed from the department. For purposes of this regulation a final examination shall be defined as one written in the regular or deferred examination periods. A student may request accommodation for a missed final examination as a result of illness or for compassionate reasons by submitting an Application for Exam Accommodation form, which is available on the Registrar's Office web site. Accommodations for missed final examinations will be determined by the Registrar (or direct delegate) after consultation with the instructor. If a deferred examination is approved as the appropriate exam accommodation, for a Fall term course, the deferred exam will normally be written during the first week of the Winter term. Exceptions must be approved by an Academic Dean. A deferred examination in a Winter term course must normally be written by the end of May, to be arranged by the Registrar (or direct delegate) in consultation with the instructor and student. If the examination cannot be written by that time, the student's academic standing will not be assessed until final grades have been submitted. Students who do not clear their deferred status by the start of classes in the Fall term, will receive a non pro-rated final grade and academic standing will be assessed based on these results. If illness or compassionate reasons prevent a student from submitting all course work by the prescribed deadlines, the Registrar (or direct delegate) and the instructor may agree to extend the deadline(s) for completion of the work for up to four weeks beyond the original deadline(s). If a granted extension prevents an instructor from submitting a final grade, a notation of 'INC' will be recorded on the transcript with a credit value of '0.0'. If no grade is submitted by the specified extended deadline, the notation of 'INC' will be converted to an 'F'. Exceptions must be approved by an Academic Dean. Examinations which are exceptions to, or are not covered by, Section 10.15.3, are special examinations. Application must be made in writing to the Registrar. Application forms are available on the Registrar's Office web page. A fee is charged for each special examination. The fee will be refunded if the application is not approved. Special examinations can be written at any time by agreement of the student, the instructor, and the Registrar. Normally special examinations are only permitted in the last year of the student's program. Special examinations will receive a grade of 'Pass' or 'Fail' unless the Registrar, in consultation with the instructor, determines that a letter grade would be more appropriate. See Section 11.0 for information about regulations for courses taken through the Department of Continuous Learning. A student's transcript of record is privileged information to be provided to those outside the University with care and at the discretion of responsible officers of the University. Students may request that transcripts be revealed to no one outside the university without written permission. Numerical percentages are provided on all transcripts up to the end of the 1993/94 academic year. Beginning with the 1994/95 academic year, letter grades and grade point average assessments are provided. Students can have their transcripts sent outside the University on payment of a fee. All transcript orders must be placed in writing by the transcript holder. Application forms are available on the Registrar's Office web page. Telephone orders for transcripts cannot be accepted. Partial transcripts are not issued. Those requesting transcripts should be aware that at certain peak periods it may take approximately two weeks to process a transcript order. A duplicate or replacement diploma may be requested under the following conditions:
All prospective graduates must complete an Application for Graduation by September 30 of the academic year in which they intend to graduate. Application forms are available on the Registrar's Office web page. Prospective degree and certificate candidates are responsible for completing degree requirements according to the regulations pertaining to their program. All full and part-time students must register for and complete all remaining work toward the degree or certificate during the preceding May to April academic session. Results must be officially reported to the Registrar before the deadline for submission of final grades (Section 10.11.8). In exceptional cases where there has been an approved extended deadline results may be accepted after this date. The Registrar posts a list of prospective degree and certificate candidates for each May Convocation approximately five months prior to Convocation. All prospective degree and certificate candidates are responsible for checking the accuracy of this list and reporting any errors or omissions to the Registrar. Students who complete degree and/or certificate requirements after May Convocation and who apply and are approved for graduation at the October Senate meeting, will have their degrees conferred in absentia and will be accorded the academic status of graduates from this date forward. October Graduates will be invited to participate in the subsequent May Convocation ceremony. Successful degree and/or certificate candidates who come to Convocation must wear proper academic costumes. Those who do not attend the ceremony will receive their diplomas in absentia. The diplomas will be mailed out after Convocation. The following hoods are authorized for holders of Mount Allison degrees:
The Senate of the University has authorized the awarding of the following degrees Honoris Causa:
Statistics Canada is the national statistical agency. As such, Statistics Canada carries out hundreds of surveys each year on a wide range of matters, including education. It is essential to be able to follow students across time and institutions to understand, for example, the factors affecting enrolment demand at postsecondary institutions. The increased emphasis on accountability for public investment means that it is also important to understand 'outcomes'. In order to conduct such studies, Statistics Canada asks all colleges and universities to provide data on students and graduates. Institutions collect and provide to Statistics Canada, student identification information (student's name, student ID number, Social Insurance Number), student contact information (address and telephone number), student demographic characteristics, enrolment information, previous education, and labour force activity. The Federal Statistics Act provides the legal authority for Statistics Canada to obtain access to personal information held by educational institutions. The information may be used for statistical purposes only, and the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act prevent the information from being released in any way that would identify a student. Students who do not wish to have their information used can ask Statistics Canada to remove their identifying information from the national database. On request by a student, Statistics Canada will delete an individual's contact information (name, address, or other personal identifiers) from the PSIS database. To make such a request or for further information please contact Statistics Canada at: <PSIS-SIEP_contact@statcan.gc.ca> by phone at: 1-800-307-3382 or 1-613-7608 (Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST/EDST) or by mail: Institutional Surveys Section, Centre for Education Statistics, Statistics Canada, Main Building, SC 2100-K, Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0T6 Further details on the use of this information can be obtained from the Statistics Canada Web site <www.statcan.ca/english/concepts/PSIS/index.htm> The MPHEC collects the data described above on behalf of Statistics Canada. In addition, it archives these data and uses them to generate basic statistics, research products, as well as the sampling frame for its graduate survey. These activities support its mandate, which is to assist institutions and governments in enhancing the post-secondary learning. The legal authority for these activities is provided by the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission Act. The Act also requires that all data received by the Commission is kept confidential, and ensures the protection of personal information. More information about the MPHEC may be found at <www.mphec.ca> Regarding those students who do not wish to have their information used, Statistics Canada will notify the MPHEC of any student choosing to have their personal information removed from the national database, and their information will subsequently be removed from the MPHEC's database. Email is an official means of communication for academic and administrative purposes at Mount Allison. An email address assigned to a student by the university will be the only email address that will be used by Mount Allison for communication with students for academic and administrative purposes. Students are responsible for frequently checking their Mount Allison email address to remain current with administrative and academic notifications. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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