Keeping connections
It is with some sadness but with great pride that I write my last letter to you as Alumni Board President. I will be moving on to the position of past president in the next few weeks.
I have thoroughly enjoyed all of my time on the Alumni Board, mainly because I have been able to reconnect and meet with so many of you over the years. During my two-year mandate as President, the main priorities of the Alumni Board have been:
Updating the alumni database — The Board has worked closely with the Alumni Engagement Office to encourage alumni to update their contact details. You may have also seen the article in the recent Record that talks about the benefits of keeping your contact details current, including invitations to local events and Reunion.
Supporting recruitment — The Board continues to work hard with the recruitment team to support its efforts, including increasing prospective student referrals to the Alumni Engagement Office, participating in student/parent receptions, sharing the Viewbook, and identifying alumni teachers and guidance counsellors who can help us to spread the word about Mount A at their respective schools.
Helping young alumni — The MtA Next Step program, which will introduce young alumni to “connectors” in their area for advice and support, is preparing for launch. A target of 30 connectors has been set for the network.
The 2019 Annual General Meeting was held at Crabtree Auditorium on May 11, 2019. The 2019 AGM minutes and the annual reports can be viewed online.
I want to wish our new Board President Anna Abbott (’04) all the best of luck in her new mandate. I have worked with Anna for the past 10 years and know that the Alumni Board is in good hands under her leadership.
Yours sincerely,
Charlie Scott (’83)
Past President