Table of Contents
Women's and Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary program that investigates from critical gender perspectives social, cultural, economic, and political issues. Drawing on a substantial body of scholarship that challenges many of the assumptions and methods of traditional academic disciplines, Women's and Gender Studies creates new perspectives from which all students may analyze such issues as work, health, sexuality, violence, family, race, class, and ethnicity. The curriculum of the Minor in Women's and Gender Studies includes core courses in Women's and Gender Studies and elective courses in the following Departments or Programs: Anthropology, Canadian Studies, Classics, Drama, English, Fine Arts, Geography and Environment, History, International Relations, Modern Languages and Literatures, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, and Sociology. The core courses provide an introduction to the principles of Women's and Gender Studies as well as a more advanced study of the theoretical and methodological approaches of feminism.
9 | from WGST 2001, 3001, 3021 |
3 | from WGST 4001, 4950, 4951, 4991 |
12 | from CANA 3301, CLAS 2521, CLAS/HIST 2051, ENGL 3651, 3661, 4921, FINH 3081, GENV 4811, HIST 1671, 3251, 3471, 3531, 4461, 4571, FREN 3821, 3851 INLR 3001, MUSC 3231, 3241, PHIL 2301, POLS 3031, 4001, PSYC 3311, 3511, RELG 1641, 1661, 3411, 3811, 3821, 4841, SOCI 2211, WGST 1991, 2991, 3991, 4950, 4951, 4991 |
or from the following courses in any year when the Program Director approves that their content contains a significant Women's and Gender Studies component: ANTH 2231, 2401, 3101, 3531, 3861, 3871, 4021, 4421, 4621, ENGL 3561, GENV 2221, 3811, 4821, HIST 3361, 4901, PHIL 1611, 3711, RELG 3911, 3921, 4821, SOCI 3441, 3451 |
Note: Other courses from the following disciplines may also be approved by the Program Director when a significant Women's and Gender Studies component can be demonstrated: Anthropology, Art History, Canadian Studies, Classics, English, French, German, Geography and Environment, Greek Drama, History, International Relations, Latin, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Spanish, and Sociology.
Students interested in using courses from other disciplines towards this Minor must receive approval in writing from the Program Director during the term in which they are taking the course.
Note: The listing of a course in the Calendar is not a guarantee that the course is offered every year.
Note: Students must obtain a grade of at least C- in all courses used to fulfill prerequisite requirements. Otherwise, written permission of the appropriate Department Head or Program Director must be obtained.
WGST 1991 (3.00)
Special Topic in Women's and Gender Studies
This course either focuses on topics not covered by the current course offerings in a department or program or offers the opportunity to pilot a course that is being considered for inclusion in the regular program. (Format: Variable) [Note 1: Prerequisite set by Department/Program when the topic and level are announced. Note 2: When a Department or Program intends to offer a course under this designation, it must submit course information, normally at least three months in advance, to the Dean. Note 3: Students may register for WGST 1991 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.]
WGST 2001 (3.00)
Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
Exclusion: WOST 2001
This course provides an introduction to Women's and Gender Studies, a discipline that documents and analyzes women's experiences and gender conditions from global and historical perspectives. It introduces students to the core principles of the discipline of gender analysis and women-centered research. In addition, the course examines key issues of research and analysis in current scholarship on women and gender studies, including social construction of sex, gender, race, and sexuality; gender subordination; women's activism; and social change initiatives. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)
WGST 2991 (3.00)
Special Topic in Women's and Gender Studies
This course either focuses on topics not covered by the current course offerings in a department or program or offers the opportunity to pilot a course that is being considered for inclusion in the regular program. (Format: Variable) [Note 1: Prerequisite set by Department/Program when the topic and level are announced. Note 2: When a Department or Program intends to offer a course under this designation, it must submit course information, normally at least three months in advance, to the Dean. Note 3: Students may register for WGST 2991 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.]
WGST 3001 (3.00)
Theories of Gender, Equality & Diversity
Prereq: WOST 2001 or WGST 2001; or permission of the Instructor
Exclusion: WOST 3001
This course provides a comparative and critical analysis of various feminist and gender theories developed as explanatory frameworks for understanding gender divisions within society as well as for how gender interconnects with a wide variety of social and historical conditions. The course reviews major feminist critiques of conventional approaches, and offers an introduction to feminist thought. Theories examined include uniquely feminist theories such as radical feminism,cultural feminism, ecofeminism, contemporary critiques of racism, sexuality and post-modernism, as well as feminist modifications of traditional social and political theories. Attention is given to perspectives that emerge from the diversity of women's lives. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)
WGST 3021 (3.00)
Gender, Knowledge, and Power in Research
Prereq: WOST 2001, 3001 or WGST 2001, 3001 or combination thereof; or permission of the Instructor
Exclusion: WOST 3021
This course examines feminist critiques and strategies relating to the construction of knowledge and research methodologies, with particular attention to both historical and contemporary debates on significant research issues. In addition to exploring feminist epistemologies, it introduces students to the methods, techniques, and ethics involved in researching gender and other social factors. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)
WGST 3991 (3.00)
Special Topic in Women's and Gender Studies
This course either focuses on topics not covered by the current course offerings in a department or program or offers the opportunity to pilot a course that is being considered for inclusion in the regular program. (Format: Variable) [Note 1: Prerequisite set by Department/Program when the topic and level are announced. Note 2: When a Department or Program intends to offer a course under this designation, it must submit course information, normally at least three months in advance, to the Dean. Note 3: Students may register for WGST 3991 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.]
WGST 4001 (3.00)
Contemporary Issues in Feminism and Gender Studies
Prereq: WOST 2001, 3001, 3021 or WGST 2001, 3001, 3021; or permission of the Instructor
Exclusion: WOST 4001
This course provides opportunity for students to study in considerable depth and detail selected contemporary issues of feminism and gender in a global context. The course may focus on issues such as gender and social movements, politics of difference, theory and praxis debates, anti-feminist backlash, women and social change, femininities and masculinities, and feminist explorations of the body. (Format: Seminar 3 Hours)
WGST 4950 (6.00)
Independent Study in Women's and Gender Studies
This course permits senior students, under the direction of faculty members, to pursue their interest in areas not covered, or not covered in depth, by other courses through a program of independent study. (Format: Independent Study) [Note 1: Permission of the Department/Program Advisor. Students must obtain consent of an instructor who is willing to be a supervisor and must register for the course prior to the last day for change of registration in the term during which the course is being taken. Note 2: A program on Independent Study cannot duplicate subject matter covered through regular course offerings. Note 3: Students may register for WGST 4950/51 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.]
WGST 4951 (3.00)
Independent Study in Women's and Gender Studies
This course permits senior students, under the direction of faculty members, to pursue their interest in areas not covered, or not covered in depth, by other courses through a program of independent study. (Format: Independent Study) [Note 1: Permission of the Department/Program Advisor. Students must obtain consent of an instructor who is willing to be a supervisor and must register for the course prior to the last day for change of registration in the term during which the course is being taken. Note 2: A program on Independent Study cannot duplicate subject matter covered through regular course offerings. Note 3: Students may register for WGST 4950/51 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.]
WGST 4991 (3.00)
Special Topic in Women's and Gender Studies
Prereq: Second year standing; or permission of the Department
This course either focuses on topics not covered by the current course offerings in a department or program or offers the opportunity to pilot a course that is being considered for inclusion in the regular program. (Format: Variable) [Note 1: Prerequisite set by Department/Program when the topic and level are announced. Note 2: When a Department or Program intends to offer a course under this designation, it must submit course information, normally at least three months in advance, to the Dean. Note 3: Students may register for WGST 4991 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.]