Table of Contents
Biology is the scientific study of living things: their form, their function, their origin and their behaviour. The study of Biology can be an important part of a liberal education, for to understand it well requires knowledge of chemistry, physics, mathematics, and natural history; to describe it well requires a command of language and ability to present observations visually; to appreciate it requires an awareness of human nature, both past and present, and the interplay between humans and other living organisms and their common environment. For three thousand years this discipline has developed to describe living things in aid of the arts of healing, of gardening and of living. Today it abounds with exciting new knowledge and discoveries, so that wise people still read about it with amazement or pursue it with delight.
In this Department three things are attempted: to give all students an understanding of the scope, techniques and general principles which underline Biology; to encourage independent study and self-learning where possible; to give those students who are seriously interested in advanced studies an opportunity of exploring the areas of special interest to faculty who are primarily concerned with the fields of ecology and physiology.
Students intending to take a Major or Minor or Honours in Biology should consult the Department website and/or a Program Advisor before completing registration.
6 | from BIOL 1001, 1501 |
3 | from CHEM 1001, BIOC 1001 |
9 | from BIOC 2001, BIOL 2101, 2301, 2401, 2601, 2701, 3011, 3101 |
6 | from Biology at the 3/4000 level |
6 | from BIOL 1001, 1501 |
3 | from PHYS 1051, 1041 |
3 | from MATH 1111 or 1151 |
3 | from MATH 1121, 1251, 2211, 2221, or COMP 1631 |
3 | from CHEM 1001 |
3 | from BIOC 1001 |
18 | from BIOC 2001, BIOL 2101, 2301, 2401, 2601, 2701, 3011, 3101 |
21 | additional credits from Biology at the 3/4000 level |
Note: Additional 3/4000 level courses are needed to fulfill Calendar Regulation 12.3.5
Note: Courses with significant biological content offered by other departments may be approved as biology credits (to a maximum of 6 credits, by permission of the Biology Deptartment).
60 | as in the Major, including 3 credits from BIOL 2701 or 4711, plus: |
9 | from BIOL 4903, 4990 |
6 | from Biology at the 3/4000 level, chosen in consultation with the Program Advisor |
Note: The thesis required will involve laboratory or field investigation, and unless the candidate shows satisfactory ability to carry on independent work, honours will not be recommended. With permission of the Biology Department, up to 6 credits from an approved list of courses given in other departments can be used as the equivalent of Biology courses in the Major or Honours.
Note: The listing of a course in the Calendar is not a guarantee that the course is offered every year.
Note: Students must obtain a grade of at least C- in all courses used to fulfill prerequisite requirements. Otherwise, written permission of the appropriate Department Head or Program Co-ordinator must be obtained.
BIOL 1001 (3.00)
Evolution, Ecology, and the Diversity of Organisms
Exclusion: Any version of BIOL 1001 previously offered with a different title
This course introduces the diversity of organisms and their relationships and interactions with their environments in the context of evolutionary theory. Topics include Darwin's theory of natural selection, the genetic constitution of and changes in populations, population growth, the interactions of populations of different species, and a survey of the major plant and animal taxa. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)[Note 1: This course is designed for science majors. Students who intend to continue to study in Biology should note the need to complete CHEM 1001 as a prerequisite for BIOL 1501.]
BIOL 1201 (3.00)
Human Biology
A lecture and laboratory course based on the application of biological principles to practical human concerns. It will introduce the development, structure and function of the human body, and mechanisms involved in degenerative infectious diseases. This will be followed by a discussion of human reproduction and genetics. The impact of evolutionary theory on our understanding of the human species will be presented, as well as the interdependence between natural ecosystems and human activities. Threats to the environment through pollution and overpopulation will be discussed. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours) [Note 1: This course is restricted to non-science majors. Science majors require the instructor's permission to enrol.]
BIOL 1501 (3.00)
Cell Biology
Prereq: CHEM 1001 or BIOC 1001; or permission of the Department
This course introduces the structure, organization and functions of the cell, which is the fundamental structural and functional unit of living organisms. It places particular emphasis on eukaryotic cells. Topics include: membranes and organelles,communication within and between cells, membrane transport, the cell cycle, meiosis and mitosis. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 1991 (3.00)
Special Topic in Biology
This course either focuses on topics not covered by the current course offerings in a department or program or offers the opportunity to pilot a course that is being considered for inclusion in the regular program. (Format: Variable) [Note 1: Prerequisite set by the Department/Program when the topic and level are announced. Note 2: When a Department or Program intends to offer a course under this designation, it must submit course information, normally at least three months in advance, to the Dean. Note 3: Students may register for BIOL 1991 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.]
BIOL 2101 (3.00)
Introduction to Ecology
Prereq: BIOL 1001 and 1501; or permission of the Department
Exclusion: Any version of BIOL 2101 previously offered with a different title
This course introduces current concepts of population and community ecology using local ecosystems and organisms, principally aquatic insects, whenever possible. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 2301 (3.00)
Plant Biology
Prereq: BIOL 1001; or permission of the Department
An introductory course in botany designed to present the structure and function of plants with an emphasis on vascular plants. Topics considered will include comparative evolutionary history, and development and functional adaptations to the environment. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 2401 (3.00)
Animal Biology
Prereq: BIOL 1001 and 1501; or permission of the Department
This course introduces students to the structure and function of major groups of invertebrate and vertebrate animals on a comparative basis by observation of both preserved and living material. Topics include comparative anatomy and phylogeny, and the evolution and function of locomotory, digestive, excretory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive systems.(Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 2601 (3.00)
Prereq: BIOL 1501; or permission of the Department
An introduction to genetics which will address the seemingly paradoxical phenomena of genetic continuity and genetic variation of living beings. This will be achieved by examining the cellular and molecular basis of gene replication, recombination and mutation. Viruses, bacteria and eukaryotes of various levels of organismic complexity will serve as examples both in lectures and laboratories. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 2701 (3.00)
Introductory Design & Statistical Analysis
Prereq: BIOL 1501 and MATH 1111; or permission of the Department
Exclusion: BIOL 3701; any version of BIOL 2701 previously offered with a different title
This course introduces data analysis, the principles of experimental design and the formulating and testing of hypotheses. It describes graphical and statistical (t-test, chi-square test, ANOVA) analyses of laboratory and field collected data, and discusses their appropriate use in Biology. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)
BIOL 2991 (3.00)
Special Topic in Biology
This course either focuses on topics not covered by the current course offerings in a department or program or offers the opportunity to pilot a course that is being considered for inclusion in the regular program. (Format: Variable) [Note 1: Prerequisite set by the Department/Program when the topic and level are announced. Note 2: When a Department or Program intends to offer a course under this designation, it must submit course information, normally at least three months in advance, to the Dean. Note 3: Students may register for BIOL 2991 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.]
BIOL 3011 (3.00)
Prereq: BIOL 2601; or permission of the Department
A lecture-tutorial course investigating modern theories of biological evolution and natural selection. Discussion of these ideas requires an understanding of the types of evidence for biological change in organisms, of Mendelian genetics and mechanisms of inheritance, of sources of genetic variability in natural populations and of genetic equilibrium of populations. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)
BIOL 3021 (3.00)
Prereq: BIOL 2301 and 2401; or permission of the Department
Life on earth did not always exist in the form we know it today. Both physical and biological aspects of the environment have changed repeatedly and dramatically over time. This course will provide an overview of the major fossil plant and animal taxa in the context of the history of life on Earth. Morphology and anatomy of organisms will be discussed in relation to accompanying changes in marinal and terrestrial environments. The diagnostic features of the organisms used as time (biostratigraphy) and/or environmental (paleoecology) indicators will be emphasized when appropriate. We will discuss macroscopic and microscopic forms of life. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3031 (3.00)
Molecular Analyses
Prereq: BIOC 2001; or permission of the Program Advisor
Exclusion: BIOC 3531, BIOC 3021
This course focuses on experiential analysis and computer modeling of key concepts of the molecular basis of biology, including nucleic acid structure, synthesis, and replication through template-directed polymerizations. The course builds on these key concepts to explore gene structure, expression, and engineering, leading to the wide-ranging applications of molecular biology to biology, medicine, and diagnostics. (Format: Integrated Lecture and Laboratory, 6 Hours) [Note 1: This course is cross-listed with BIOC 3031 and may therefore count as 3 credits in either discipline. Note 2: This course is required for students completing a Major or Honours in Biochemistry. It is open to students from other programs on a space available basis, provided that the student has met the prerequisite requirement.]
BIOL 3051 (3.00)
Molecular Immunology
Prereq: BIOC 2001; or permission of the Department
Exclusion: BIOC 4011
This course explains the core molecular structures of the immune system: antibodies and their interactions with antigens. It places these molecular interactions in the context of the cells and tissues of the immune system and the signaling cascades that regulate immune responses. The course concludes with topics in immunology and applications of immunochemistry. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)[Note 1: This course is cross-listed with BIOC 3051 and may therefore count as three credits in either discipline.]
BIOL 3101 (3.00)
Prereq: BIOC 2001; or permission of the Department
An introduction to the protists (algae, bacteria, fungi, protozoa) and to the viruses. The intent of this course is to make students familiar with the characteristics and nomenclature used to distinguish: (1) cells and viruses, (2) the major protists, and (3) sub-groups within each protist group. The natural and applied roles of these organisms will be discussed. Special emphasis will be placed on discussion of the bacteria because of the great diversity of habitats which are occupied as well as the equally great diversity of roles performed. Laboratory work will introduce the students to microbiological techniques and methods of identification. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3111 (3.00)
Functional Microbiology
Prereq: BIOC 2001; or permission of the Department
Exclusion: Any version of BIOL 3111 previously offered with a different title
This course emphasizes the ecophysiology of microorganisms, particularly prokaryotes, and their key roles in biogeochemical cycles. We will cover the key functional microbial groups which mediate major steps in the biogeochemical cycles, their ecological requirements and the limiting factors on their growth and activity. This will lead to discussion of the roles of microorganisms in current issues in biology and environmental science, including bio-remediation, biological control, climate change, antibiotic resistance, food processing and (re)emerging pathogens. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3201 (3.00)
Animal Physiology; Adaptation and Environment
Prereq: BIOL 2401; or permission of the Department
This course will focus on the physiological processes underpinning a monumental step in the evolution of the vertebrates, the transition from water to land. In lectures and laboratory exercises, the respiratory, circulatory, acid-base and osmoregulatory adaptations seen in fish to humans will be examined. The integration of animal physiology with the environment will also be studied by investigating metabolism and temperature. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3211 (3.00)
Human Cell Physiology
Prereq: BIOL 1501 and third-year standing; or permission of the Department
Exclusion: Any version of BIOL 3211 previously offered with a different title
This course investigates physiological processes at the level of the animal cell. It examines major principles in neurophysiology, muscle function, sensory systems and endocrinology. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3301 (3.00)
Physiological Plant Ecology
Prereq: BIOL 2101, BIOL 2301; or permission of the Department
Exclusion: BIOL 4301
This course examines the ways by which plants respond to their environments. Topics include a discussion of transpiration and heat transfer, photosynthesis in nature, vernalization, photoperiodism and response to stresses such as drought, temperature, salinity and pollutants. (Format: Lecture and Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3351 (3.00)
Marine Botany
Prereq: BIOL 2301; or permission of the Department
A lecture, laboratory, and field course summarizing recent advances in our understanding of macroscopic plant growth in the sea. This progress has been based upon studies involving morphology, development, physiology, and ecology. The following topics will be emphasized: the sea as an environment for plants to grow, production of marine plants, morphogenesis and geographic distribution of marine plants, and use of marine plants. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3361 (3.00)
Marine Biology I: Coastal Systems
Prereq: BIOL 2101, 2301, 2401; or permission of the Department
Estuarine, intertidal and subtidal ecosystems exist at the interface of marine and terrestrial environments. In this course, students will study the ecology of these systems at the individual, population and community level. Topics will include community structure, food webs, reproductive biology of benthic organisms, and effects of physical and anthropogenic factors. The course will involve a field trip to the Huntsman Marine Sciences Centre in St. Andrews, N.B. Students will be expected to contribute to their accommodation costs. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Field Trip)
BIOL 3371 (3.00)
Principles of Aquaculture
Prereq: BIOL 2401; or permission of the Department
Exclusion: BIOL 3991 Principles of Aquaculture
This course introduces the history, practice, and future of aquaculture with particular emphasis on development of finfish aquaculture in Atlantic Canada. Topics include biology of growth, culture of live feed, hatchery techniques, health, nutrition, engineering, economics, and public policy.(Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3401 (3.00)
Animal Behaviour
Prereq: BIOL 2101, 2401; or permission of the Department
A course which will present the development, physiology, ecology and evolution of animal behaviour. Topics to be discussed will include basic concepts of behavioural organization; physiology of behaviour, learning and memory phenomena; behaviour of communication; reproductive behaviour and mating systems; spatial distribution patterns and social systems; migrations and orientation mechanisms; feeding and anti-predator behaviours. Field excursions and laboratory exercises will permit students to observe and to quantify different behaviours in a variety of animal species. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3411 (3.00)
Prereq: BIOL 2101, 2401 and BIOL 2701 or GENS 2431 or MATH 2311 or PSYC 2001; or permission of the Department
This course provides an overview of the general biology of fish-like chordates, with particular emphasis on the teleost fishes and on adaptations that have allowed fishes to occupy most aquatic habitats and to become the most evolutionary successful group of vertebrates. Topics include: aspects of form and function, ecology and behaviour of evolutionary relationships. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3421 (3.00)
Prereq: GENS 2431, 2421; or permission of the Department
Exclusion: GEOG 3421
This course explores the links between the geomorphology and climatology of a region and the plant-animal environments through a biogeographical approach to ecological studies. It focuses on the geography of plants including environmental controls of plant distributions and the functional and historical aspects of plant communities. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours) [Note 1: This course is cross-listed with GENS 3421 and may therefore count as three credits in either discipline.]
BIOL 3451 (3.00)
Prereq: BIOL 2401; or permission of the Department
Insects surpass all other organisms in their diversity and numbers, comprising over two thirds of the earth's known animals. This course will introduce students to this class of organisms by covering the following six areas: structure, function classification and phylogeny, behaviour and ecology. Throughout the course, evolutionary forces influencing the animals and systems involved will be stressed. Discussions will emphasize the use of the comparative methods to determine what these forces might be. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory/Field Trip 3 Hours)
BIOL 3501 (3.00)
Native Flora (vascular Plants)
Prereq: BIOL 2301; or permission of the Department
A field-oriented course on identification, taxonomy, and ecology of vascular plants. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory/Field Trip 3 Hours)
BIOL 3511 (3.00)
Invertebrate Zoology
Prereq: BIOL 2401; or permission of the Department
Exclusion: BIOL 4511
This course investigates in an evolutionary framework the variation in body plan, physiology, reproduction, and ecology for the more than thirty invertebrate phyla. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3601 (3.00)
Ecological Genetics
Prereq: BIOL 2601, MATH 1111; or permission of the Department
This course builds on the material presented in Introductory Genetics, presenting theoretical concepts used in investigating the genetic properties of populations. The basic concepts used to describe and measure the genetic variation within and between populations will be presented in a lecture format. Theoretical and observed consequences of population differences will be considered. Students will be expected to participate in discussions and debates focussing on topics related to population genetics. Tutorials will provide opportunities to work through mathematical treatments of models and problem solving. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Tutorial 1 Hour)
BIOL 3621 (3.00)
Experiential Genetics
Prereq: BIOL 2601 Introductory Genetics; or permission of the Department
This course explores current problems in genetics through a series of research projects. The research projects introduce students to some or all of: Mendelian analysis, crosses using genetic model organisms (primarily Drosophila melanogaster), conventional light microscopy, fluorescent microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA extraction, gel electrophoresis, cytology, in situ hybridization, immunocytology, data mining, and related techniques. (Format: Integrated Lecture and Laboratory, 5 Hours)
BIOL 3631 (3.00)
Prereq: BIOL 2401; or permission of the Department
Exclusion: BIOL 3311
The course provides a foundation to the rapidly expanding field of Developmental Biology, which draws upon the disciplines of Cell Biology, Genetics, and Molecular Biology. This course focuses on the structural changes exhibited during the development, differentiation, and growth of organisms. Gametogenesis, fertilization, and embryogensis are closely examined in a variety of model organisms. Laboratory exercises are aimed at reinforcing the student's understanding of the concepts and stages of development.(Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 hours)
BIOL 3641 (3.00)
Genetic Regulation of Development
Prereq: BIOL 2601; or permission of the Department
Exclusion: BIOL 3311
This course focuses on the mechanisms responsible for controlling development. Topics may include signaling pathways, homeotic genes, epigenetic gene regulation, and applications including developmental diseases, cloning, and stem cells. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)
BIOL 3651 (3.00)
Introduction to Ornithology
Prereq: BIOL 2101, 2401; or permission of the Department
An introduction to the study of birds through lectures, laboratories and field trips. All of the bird families represented in the Maritime region will be discussed, with special emphasis on anatomy, structural adaptations, behaviour and physiology. The species composing the bird communities of the Sackville area will be examined during field trips. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory/Field Trip 3 Hours)
BIOL 3711 (3.00)
Biochemical Ecology
Prereq: BIOL 2101, BIOC 2001; or permission of the Biology Department
This course deals with the biochemistry of interactions between animals, plants and microorganisms that occur in the natural environment. It places strong emphasis on the role of so-called "secondary metabolites" or "natural products" such as alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, etc., in the insect-plant, vertebrate-plant, plant-plant and vertebrate-vertebrate relationships. (Format: Seminar 3 Hours) [Note 1: This course is cross-listed with BIOC 3711 and may therefore count as three credits in either discipline.]
BIOL 3751 (3.00)
Comparative Chordate Anatomy
Prereq: BIOL 2401; or permission of the Department
A lecture and laboratory course in which the structure, function and diversity of vertebrate animals will be examined and compared. It will discuss successive modifications of structural and functional systems found in vertebrates, and speculate on the survival value of these systems and on their relationships to contemporary environments. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3781 (3.00)
Tropical Marine Biology
Prereq: BIOL 2101, BIOL 2401; and either BIOL-3361 or 3371 or, permission of the Department
Exclusion: BIOL 4701
This course introduces students to the fauna, flora and complex ecological and behavioural interactions of organisms in tropical habitats and allows independent research in such habitats. Students explore coral reefs, reef lagoons, mangrove swamps and rocky shores. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Field Trip)[Note 1: The field component of this course usually takes place at a location in the Caribbean. Enrollment is limited and students should be aware of the additional costs of travel and participation fees.]
BIOL 3801 (3.00)
Theoretical and Evolutionary Ecology
Prereq: BIOL 2101; MATH 1111; third year standing; or permission of the Department
This course critically evaluates theories of population and evolutionary ecology that were introduced in BIOL 2101. It explores the effects of specific parameters on the predicted outcomes of classical ecological(such as population growth, competition, predation, and community) and evolutionary models using a suite of mathematical and simulation techniques. The course assesses the limitations, application, and interpretation of outcomes for each examined model. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)
BIOL 3811 (3.00)
Conservation Biology
Prereq: BIOL 2101; or permission of the Department
The field of conservation biology applies to the principles of ecology, biogeography, and population genetics to the mitigation of human impact and the maintenance of global biodiversity. The course will familiarize the student with the concepts and principles of conservation biology and will encourage active debate about threats to ecological integrity and the ways scientists attempt to cope with such threats. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)
BIOL 3911 (3.00)
Plants and Human Society
Prereq: Three credits from Biology, and third-year standing; or permission of the Department
This course investigates the interactions between plants and human societies from the introduction of agriculture until the present. It includes the consideration of the evolution of vascular plants, especially those important to agriculture and forestry. It emphasizes the origins of agriculture on various continents and discusses economic botany and the present day commercial uses of plants. It also considers interrelations between plants and societies in dietary, cultural and religious connotations. Finally, the course considers world food shortages, either present or potential, and possible ways to alleviate these. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)
BIOL 3941 (3.00)
Plant Physiology
Prereq: BIOL 2301 and BIOC 2001; or permission of the Department
A lecture and laboratory course designed to present a general introduction to the physiology of plants. Topics that will be discussed include photosynthesis, from the level of light entrapment to that of the fixation of carbon dioxide; translocation of sugars and the storage of energy rich food reserves; transpiration and water loss from leaves, as well as uptake and water transport within the plant; and mineral nutrition including uptake and transport of nutrients as well as their distribution and use. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory 3 Hours)
BIOL 3991 (3.00)
Special Topic in Biology
This course either focuses on topics not covered by the current course offerings in a department or program or offers the opportunity to pilot a course that is being considered for inclusion in the regular program. (Format: Variable) [Note 1: Prerequisite set by the Department/Program when the topic and level are announced. Note 2: When a Department or Program intends to offer a course under this designation, it must submit course information, normally at least three months in advance, to the Dean. Note 3: Students may register for BIOL 3991 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.]
BIOL 4101 (3.00)
Behavioural Ecology
Prereq: BIOL 3011, 3401; or permission of the Department
A course to explore the relationships between animal behaviour and ecology, emphasizing the behavioural strategies which animals have evolved to enhance their survival and to increase their reproductive success. Topics such as foraging, living in groups, resource defence, sexual selection, parental care, mating systems, altruism and communication will be discussed within a neo-Darwinian framework using optimality models and game theory. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)
BIOL 4111 (3.00)
Field Ecology
Prereq: BIOL 2101, 4711; or permission of the Department
This course introduces students to the basic principles of field ecology research, experimental design, and data analysis, through lectures, laboratories, field trips, course readings, and guest speakers. Course topics focus on various techniques used in quantitative field ecology, including the design of observational studies, environmental impact survey techniques, and manipulative experiments used for the description and classification of habitats, and assessing the ecological factors that influence plant and animal distribution and abundance. Throughout the course we will also read, critique and discuss research papers from the primary ecological literature. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Laboratory/Field Trip 3 Hours) [Note 1: BIOL 4711 may be taken as a corequisite.]
BIOL 4141 (3.00)
Prereq: BIOL 3101 (or as a co-requisite); or permission of the Department
This course will give an overview of true Fungi (Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Zygomycetes and Chytridiomycetes), and of the fungus-like Oomycetes. Structure/function relationships will be emphasized, as well as the significance of the various groups in ecology, medicine, plant disease and their use in industry. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)
BIOL 4151 (3.00)
Prereq: BIOL 2601, 3101 (with permission, BIOL 3101 may be taken as a co-requisite); or permission of the Department
This is an introductory course on virology that will cover the fundamental features of animal, bacterial, and plant viruses. Lectures will cover the biochemical genetic features of viral structure and replication, techniques used in studying viruses, the evolution of viruses, cell defence against viruses, the history of viruses as the causal agents of animal and plant disease, and current antiviral strategies. The role of viruses as agents of evolutionary change, and their use in modern molecular genetics will also be discussed. (Format: Lecture/Seminar 3 Hours)[Note 1: This course is cross-listed with BIOC 4151 and may therefore count as three credits in either discipline.]
BIOL 4201 (3.00)
Environmental Physiology and Biochemistry of Animals
Prereq: BIOL 3201, 3211; or permission of the Department
Exclusion: BIOL 4201 - Topics in Comparative Animal Physiology
This advanced course in animal physiology will examine the physiological and biochemical strategies animals use to survive in diverse, often stressful environments. Using primary literature from scientific journals, this course will focus on animal responses to environmental conditions such as hypoxia/anoxia, high and low temperatures, overwintering, altitude, environmental pollutants, osmotic stress and UV radiation. Weekly discussion groups on recent topical papers will form a major component of thiscourse. (Format: Lecture/Seminar 3 hours)[Note 1: This course is cross-listed with BIOC 4201 and may therefore count as three credits in either discipline.]
BIOL 4211 (3.00)
Prereq: BIOL 3201 or 3211; or permission of the Department
This is a course that will cover vertebrate hormone systems generally although some aspects of invertebrate systems may be examined. Lectures and seminars will discuss hormone synthesis, control of secretion, modes of secretion and general mechanisms of action. Also, specific hormone systems such as the hypothalamus-pituitary axis, renin-angiotensin system, pituitary-adrenal axis etc., will be examined. (Format: Lecture/Seminar 3 Hours)
BIOL 4221 (3.00)
Exercise Physiology
Prereq: BIOL 3201, 3211; or permission of the Department
This advanced lecture-based course will explore the metabolic and systemic basis of exercise, the physiology of training and performance and exercise under special conditions (environment, disease). In addition to studying these fundamentals of exercise physiology, we will also delve into recent research and advancements in the field. (Format: Lecture/Seminar 3 Hours)
BIOL 4371 (3.00)
Advanced Marine Science
Prereq: One of BIOL 3351, 3361 or 3781; or permission of the Department
This course researches selected topics from the most current and progressive areas of marine science. These may include advances in biological, geological, chemical and physical oceanography and methodologies such as genomic approach to assessment of oceanic biodiversity and application of remote technology in marine exploration of the deep sea. The course emphasizes specific topics of global significance and may include interactions between ocean and atmosphere, sustainable fisheries, integrative aquaculture, and invasive biology. (Format: Lecture 3 hours)
BIOL 4401 (3.00)
Evolutionary Biology of Sex and Reproduction
Prereq: BIOL 3011, 3401; or permission of the Department
This is a seminar/discussion course on the evolution of sexuality and various reproductive patterns. Topics covered will include (but not be limited to): what is sex, sexual and asexual reproduction, asexual reproduction and parthenogenesis, the role of sex in evolution, Muller's Ratchet vs. the Red Queen, genetic and epigenetic sex determination, sexual selection, mating strategies of males and females, role of parasites in the evolution of sex, fertilization strategies and hermaphroditism. (Format: Seminar 3 Hours)
BIOL 4621 (3.00)
Genes, Cells, and Disease
Prereq: BIOL 2601 and ONE of BIOL 3211, 3621, BIOC 3031, or permission of the Department
Exclusion: BIOL 3991, 4991 Genes, Cells, and Disease
This course examines the genetic basis of cellular processes and organelles such as telomeres, nuclear architecture, cytoskeleton, intracellular transport, the extracellular matrix, cell cycle control, and the contribution to disease when these processes are abnormal.(Format: Lecture 3 Hours)
BIOL 4711 (3.00)
Advanced Design and Statistical Analysis
Prereq: MATH 2311, or PSYC 2011, or BIOL 2701, or GENS 2431; or permission of the Department
This course teaches students how to design studies with clear hypotheses, select appropriate statistical methods, and carry out the analyses, applying the techniques to real data sets. It reviews basic techniques and exposes students to a variety of statistical techniques including advanced ANOVA and regression, techniques for categorical data, resampling methods, MANOVA, and other multivariate techniques. It considers experimental design issues such as power analysis and pseudoreplication. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Tutorial 1 Hour)
BIOL 4903 (3.00)
Current Advances in Biology
Coreq: BIOL 4990
A seminar course for Honours students in Biology which will critically evaluate a wide range of topics from the current literature in all branches of biological science. Students will be expected to deliver seminars on topics outside their thesis area and present preliminary thesis results. (Format: Lecture/Seminar 3 Hours)
BIOL 4950 (6.00)
Independent Study in Biology
This course permits senior students, under the direction of faculty members, to pursue their interest in areas not covered, or not covered in depth, by other courses through a program of independent study. (Format: Independent Study) [Note 1: Permission of the Department/Program Advisor. Students must obtain consent of an instructor who is willing to be a supervisor and must register for the course prior to the last day for change of registration in the term during which the course is being taken. Note 2: A program on Independent Study cannot duplicate subject matter covered through regular course offerings. Note 3: Students may register for BIOL 4950/51 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.]
BIOL 4951 (3.00)
Independent Study in Biology
This course permits senior students, under the direction of faculty members, to pursue their interest in areas not covered, or not covered in depth, by other courses through a program of independent study. (Format: Independent Study) [Note 1: Permission of the Department/Program Advisor. Students must obtain consent of an instructor who is willing to be a supervisor and must register for the course prior to the last day for change of registration in the term during which the course is being taken. Note 2: A program on Independent Study cannot duplicate subject matter covered through regular course offerings. Note 3: Students may register for BIOL 4950/51 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.]
BIOL 4990 (6.00)
Coreq: BIOL 4903
The thesis requires a report on one or more laboratory, library or field investigations carried out by arrangement with and under the direction of an appropriate member of the staff. This course is open only to candidates for Honours in Biology in their senior year. A minimum grade of B is required in this course for successful completion of an honours degree. (Format: Independent Study/Thesis) [Note 1: Consent of supervising staff member prior to registration and permission of the Program Advisor is required]
BIOL 4991 (3.00)
Special Topic in Biology
This course either focuses on topics not covered by the current course offerings in a department or program or offers the opportunity to pilot a course that is being considered for inclusion in the regular program. (Format: Variable) [Note 1: Prerequisite set by the Department/Program when the topic and level are announced. Note 2: When a Department or Program intends to offer a course under this designation, it must submit course information, normally at least three months in advance, to the Dean. Note 3: Students may register for BIOL 4991 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.]