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GDCT ini File

GDCT has an ini file that keeps track of certain preferences and settings of the program. This ensures that opening the program after changes to the interface have been made, restores those changes. It is recommended that you do not change the data contained within this file or errors could occur within GDCT.

      Sample GDCT INI File:

      [Internal Settings]
      endoLimit = 50
      maxObjects = 50
      maxArrows = 100
      maxRelations = 50
      relationsLength = 30

      [Category Graphical Settings]
      scale = 1.0
      fontFace = Helvetica
      fontSize = 12
      showComments = true
      showControls = true

      [Functor Graphical Settings]
      catAScale = 1.0
      catAFontFace = Helvetica
      catAFontSize = 10
      catBScale = 1.0
      catBFontFace = Helvetica
      catBFontSize = 10
      showComments = true
      diagramDisplay = true
      displayLayout = ABVertical

      [Functor Animation Settings]
      delayTime = 2000
      catAColor = blue
      catBColor = blue

      [Server Settings]
      address =
      catDirectory = cat/
      cglDirectory = cgl/
      funDirectory = fun/
      fglDirectory = fgl/

      [Recent Files] recent1 = C:\Sum.cgl
      recent2 = C:\TwoProducts.cgl
      recent3 = C:\Sp2s3.fgl
      recent4 = C:\
      recent5 = C:\Csq2coeq.fgl
      recent6 = C:\
      recent7 = C:\Del2s3.fgl
      recent8 = C:\TwoSums.cgl

    Page Design by Jeremy Bradbury
    Last Modified: July 9, 2002 by Matthew Graves