package GDCT.category |
Java File
Name |
Description | |
This file is displayed when the user
selects the "Add Object", "Add Arrow", or "Add Relation"
menu option in the main window. It displays a list of objects in categories that are
presently in memory. The user can select a category file(*.CAT) and chose add an object,
arrow, or relation. [531 lines] | |
This class is equivalent to a struct
in C/C++. It contains all of the information that is needed for a category. [33 lines] | |
This class implements a list of
ListNode classes which contain categories. [148 lines] | |
This is a class that contains a
category and another ListNode called next. It also contains a boolean variable to indicate
if the category file has been modified and not saved. [39 lines] | |
This is a class that contains
information about modifications to the current category. Modififications that are recorded
include: GML Changed, Data Added, Data Removed, Category Name Changed, Relations Added
through Make Confluent. The class also indicates if the files was not originally saved.
This could be the result of: Download from Server, Created using "Create
Category", Created using "Make Dual", Created as part of a functor. [83
files] | |
This is a class that contains a
category and another ListNode called next. It also contains a boolean variable to indicate
if the category file has been modified and not saved. [39 lines] | |
This file is displayed when the user
selects the "Change Name of Category" menu option in the main window. The user
can select a category from a choice menu and then enter a new name in the text field below
it. [137 lines] | |
This class contains an Empty List
Exception class for the DefList class which contains a list of categories. [16 lines] | |
This class creates a frame that
allows the user to select the desired category file (*.CAT) to load from the server. [215
lines] | |
This class creates a frame that
allows the user to select the desired category file (*.CGL) to load from the server. [215
lines] | |
This class is equivalent to a struct
in C/C++ and stores the lhs and rhs of the relations of a category. [17 lines] | |
This file is displayed when the user
selects the "Remove Category" menu option in the main window. It displays a list
of categories that are presently in memory. The user can select a category and chose to
remove it. [176 lines] | |
This file is displayed when the user
selects the "Remove Data" menu option in the "Edit Category" menu of
the main window. It allows the user to remove objects, arrows, and relations from the
current category. [534 lines] |
GDCT.graphical |
Java File
Name |
Description | |
A class that allows control of a 3D
viewpoint angle in polar coordinates (phi, theta). [322 lines] | |
An AngleControl, along with a label
that allows the user to manipulate the 3D viewpoint. Also includes buttons for viewing a
category in the XY plane, YZ plane, XZ plane. [91 lines] | |
Data object for storing node
information used in implementing J.E. Hopcroft's depth-first traversal of a graph to
determine the Articulation Points of the graph. Basically, this is a data object for
generic information field in Graph class. It is used by the class BiconnectGraph. [51
lines] | |
This file implements a
BiconnectGraph class that is created from a Graph object. The Graph object is modified if
neccessary so that it is a biconnected graph. Basically, this is a class to transform the
given graph to a biconnected graph. [398 lines] | |
A "Clan" class for CGD.
[105 lines] | |
A "Clan" tree class for
CGD. [151 lines] | |
A class for holding a real dimension
of the visual display in the graph class canvas. [53 lines] | |
A class for holding a real 3D
dimension of the visual display in the graph class canvas. [40 lines] | |
A class for holding a real position.
[66 lines] | |
A class for holding a real 3D
position. [84 lines] | |
Drag fix queues events and
eliminates repeated mouse drag events and scrollbar events (most annoying on Win95). Be
sure the Component doesn't post an event to itself every mouse drag or scrollbar event, or
this will do no good. I suggest getParent().postEvent() instead. [192 lines] | |
A class for holding a real
rectangle. [23 lines] | |
This file is a heavily modified
version of the original developed at Auburn University for the VGJ (Visualizing Graphs
with Java) applet. This class draws an edge of a graph(category). [1063 lines] | |
A dialog class for changing the
properties of an edge. If the edge is null, the dialog is modeless and does not have
fields for changing properties, such as label, without defaults. Otherwise, the dialog is
modal. [313 lines] | |
A dialog class that allows the user
to specify font properites. [108 lines] | |
This is a class that allows for the
addition and removal of objects, arrows, and relations to a given gml representation of a
category. [500 lines] | |
A GML object that does nothing but
create itself and write itself. [500 lines] | |
A GML lexer. No distinction is made
between Integer and Real (all numbers are real). [225 lines] | |
A class for representing a graph
abstractly. [1056 lines] | |
This interface is used to add
algorithms to the graph tool. All that is required is that the algorithm object class has
the function compute, and that it implements GraphAlgorithm. [24 lines] | |
A window class for editing and
displaying Graphs. [2091 lines] | |
Graph File Viewer & Editing
Utility. GraphEdit is a text editing window for Graphs. It can be accessed in GDCT through
the "View GML" menu option in the "Edit Category" submenu of the
"Categories" menu. [386 lines] | |
This interface represents an
updatable graph display. [64 lines] | |
A dialog class that allows the user
to enter group commands. [89 lines] | |
A dialog class for user input of a
single string. [69 lines] | |
A panel class with convenience
functions for dealing with the VGJ (Graphing panel) attributes. [246 lines] | |
A 4x4 Matrix class used in the
visual display side of GDCT. [65 lines] | |
This file is a modified version of
the original developed at Auburn University for the VGJ (Visualizing Graphs with Java)
applet. This class draws a node of a graph(object of a category). [1538 lines] | |
A NodeList class for use in a Graph.
[266 lines] | |
A dialog class for changing the
properties of a node. If the node is Node.defaults, the dialog is modeless and does not
have fields for changing properties, such as label, without defaults. Otherwise, the
dialog is modal. [342 lines] | |
This abstract class is used inside a
ScrolledPanel, and implements the required functionality to communicate with it. [60
lines] | |
A parse error Exception. [19 lines] | |
A partition class for CGD. [112
lines] | |
Class to implement a simple queue of
integers. [43 lines] | |
This is a panel that contains an
OffsetCanvas, a Label, and two Scrollbars. When the OffsetCanvas is resized, the Scrollars
will adjust so that the image can be completely viewed, and no more (you can scroll just
to the edge of the image). If the OffsetCanvas is larger than the image, the image gets
centered inside it. the Label displays the current cursor location in the OffsetCanvas,
relative to the contents of the OffsetCanvas. [311 lines] | |
This class is similar to Java's
BitSet class. It is used to represent an ordered set of non-negative integers. The set
automatically grows as more spaces are needed. [442 lines] | |
Class to implement Kamada and
Kawai's spring algorithm with modifications). [609 lines] | |
A dialog class for output of a
single string. [91 lines] | |
A ViewportScroller is a window used
to scroll a window through a larger area of content. The content is shown as a white
rectangle, with the window being represented by a black rectangle outline within it. A
SCROLL event is sent when the user drags the "window" with the mouse. [366
lines] |
package |
Java File
Name |
Description | |
This file is displayed when the user
selects the "About Authors" menu option in the main window. It displays basic
information about authors of the project. [80 lines] | |
his file is displayed when the user
selects the "About GDCT" menu option in the main window. It displays basic
information about the project. [110 lines] | |
This file contains contact
information for bugs encountered during the operation of the Graphical Database for
Category Theory program. [113 lines] | |
This class contains a list of the
constants that are used throughout the GDCT program. These constants are stored in one
location to allow them to be easily changed. [42 lines] | |
This class displays a dialog box
that prompts the user for a new name if the name of the category file being loaded,
created, or opened already exists in the open categories list. [119 lines] | |
This class provides a method to
easily fill in the values of the GridBagConstraints class that are necessary to add an
element to a panel or frame with a GridBagLayout. The values in the GridBagConstraints
that are dealt with in this class are int gridx, int gridy, int gridwidth, int gridheight,
double weightx, double weighty, int anchor, int fill, Insets insets, int ipadx ,and int
ipady. [48 lines] | |
This frame displays an intro image
for GDCT as a "splash screen" when the application is first opened. [44 lines] | |
This file is displayed when the user
selects the "Help Topics" menu option in the main window. It displays a list
help files that are available in text format(as .DAT files). [278 lines] | |
This dialog is displayed whenever a
message is given to the user. [71 lines] |