Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 15:34:34 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: What is q-alg ???????????????????? Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 07:59:27 -0400 (EDT) From: James Stasheff Some of you have asked: what is q-alg? is a fully automated electronic archive and distribution server for papers on QUANTUM ALGEBRA AND TOPOLOGY (INCLUDING KNOT THEORY) (starting from Dec, 1994) This is an eprint archive for mathematics papers on ``quantum algebraic'' topics such as quantum groups (also known as noncommutative Hopf algebras) and related constructions, representations of affine Lie algebras, vertex operator algebras and operads, algebraic aspects of the KP and Toda lattice hierarchies, etc. (JDS: although not listed explicitly, category theroy, especially higher dim cats, is certainly appropriately posted to this server) For the time being, the archive also welcomes submissions of mathematics papers on modern knot theory (Jones and HOMFLY polynomials, Reshetikin-Turaev invariants, etc.). A separate archive will be formed for knot theory when the traffic becomes sufficient to warrant it. Papers submitted to this archive should be intended for an audience of mathematicians; we also welcome cross-listings of appropriate papers from physics or other fields which are archived elsewhere. Other mathematics archives running the same software: o Algebraic Geometry o Automorphic Forms o Complex Dynamics and Hyperbolic Geometry o Differential Geometry and Global Analysis o Quantum Algebra (including Knot Theory) For information about archives in other fields, consult ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the generic xxx help text, substitute for the generic e-mail address ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outgoing mail from the e-print archive has the username no-reply (to avoid problems due to occasional mail that bounces back). Commands to the system should always be sent to with the command in the subject field (e.g. Subject: help). Only one command at a time is accepted. Subscribers automatically receive a listing of new titles/abstracts on days papers are received. You will have a more pleasurable time using the archives if you read this file carefully, read ALL responses you get to your interactions with the archives, and follow the instructions therein. This help file summarizes the email interface commands. This information can be more easily accessed via the WorldWideWeb at . ************************************************************ Until August 10, 1998, I am on leave from UNC and am at the University of Pennsylvania Jim Stasheff 146 Woodland Dr Lansdale PA 19446 (215)822-6707 Jim Stasheff Math-UNC (919)-962-9607 Chapel Hill NC FAX:(919)-962-2568 27599-3250