Date: Sun, 30 Jun 1996 23:20:29 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Monoidal adjunctions Date: Sun, 30 Jun 1996 17:28:47 +0100 (BST) From: Consider the following definition from Eilenberg and Kelly 1966: (C; x, l, r, a, I) and (C'; x', l', r', a', I') are monoidal categories. A functor F from C' to C is called monoidal if there is a natural transformation n: FA x FB --> F(Ax'B) and a morphism p: FI' --> I commuting in a suitable sense with l, l', r, r', a and a'. What we have proved is the following: LEMMA Let (F,G) be an adjunction between (symmetric) monoidal categories C and C'. If F (the left adjoint) is a (symmetric) monoidal functor such that n consists of isomorphisms and p is an isomorphism then G is also monoidal and unit and counit are monoidal natural transformations. The proof is pretty straightforward. Yet, we could not find such a lemma anywhere in the literature. Can anyone help with pointers to existing work? Achim Jung Mathias Kegelmann Eike Ritter School of Computer Science The University of Birmingham Edgbaston BIRMINGHAM, B15 2TT England Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 10:52:28 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: Monoidal adjunctions Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 15:09:45 +1000 From: Ross Street Answer to the question of Achim Jung, Mathias Kegelmann & Eike Ritter: See a paper of Max Kelly in Springer Lecture Notes in Math 420 called "Doctrinal adjunction" pages 257-280. The Proposition has other clauses: e.g., an adjunction in the 2-category of (symm) monoidal categories and monoidal functors is exactly of the kind you describe. -- Ross Street Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 10:55:15 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: Monoidal adjunctions Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 13:36:36 +0200 From: Max Kelly Dear Jung et al., the result you mention, in a more general form, is in my paper "Doctrinal adjunction" in Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 420 (1974). Regards, Max Kelly. Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 20:47:52 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: Monoidal adjunctions Date: Mon, 01 Jul 1996 15:11:06 +0100 From: Nick Benton Achim wrote: >LEMMA > >Let (F,G) be an adjunction between (symmetric) monoidal categories C >and C'. If F (the left adjoint) is a (symmetric) monoidal functor such >that n consists of isomorphisms and p is an isomorphism then G is also >monoidal and unit and counit are monoidal natural transformations. > > >The proof is pretty straightforward. Yet, we could not find such a >lemma anywhere in the literature. Can anyone help with pointers to >existing work? As well as the paper cited by Ross Street, this is mentioned, though not actually stated as a lemma, on page 15 of the technical report version of my paper A Mixed Linear and Non-Linear Logic: Proofs, Terms and Models Technical report 352 University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory October 1994 I noticed it in connection with a proof-theoretically unpleasant `adjoint' presentation of LNL logic (Section 3.1.2) in which the rules for the two functors are just F\Theta |- A (in L) ------------ \Theta |- GA (in C) and \Theta |- GA (in C) ------------ F\Theta |- A (in L) Since G doesn't appear on the left in either of these rules, it's not *immediately* clear why G has to behave well with respect to the monoidal structures interpreting the commas in the antecedents. The answer is in the lemma above. Nick Benton