Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 16:53:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael Barr Subject: categories: My ftp directory Some of you have been trying unsuccessfully to get files from my ftp directory, which mysteriously disappeared. It is now restored. The address is Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------- If a society puts up with bad plumbers because plumbing is such a low calling, and if it puts up with bad philosophers because philosophy is such a high calling---then neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water. --- Slight paraphrase of former HEW secretary John Gardner Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 11:01:06 -0500 (EST) From: Michael Barr Subject: categories: My ftp site I have finally reorganized my ftp site. It is at There is an Index (The "I" is capitalized so it is listed first) and it gives the full title and the name of the file. All files are given as zipped dvi and zipped ps files. I will endeavor to maintain this in this fashion. In fact, I have attached the Index. Michael %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Index %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is an index of the files. With the exception of the corrections and updates to ctcs and ttt, and the electronic parts of ctcs, these files are available as dvi or ps files with the names and The possible xxxxxx appear below with full names and bibliographic references, if relevant. acmod M. Barr, Accessible categories and models of linear logic. J. Pure Applied Algebra, vol. 69 (1990), 219-232. algcmp M. Barr, Algebraically compact functors. J. Pure Applied Algebra, vol. 82 (1992), 211--232. asymm M. Barr, Non-symmetric $*$-autonomous categories. Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 139 (1995), 115-130. balls M. Barr, (with Heinrich Kleisli), Topological balls. To appear in Cahiers Topologie Geometrie Differentielle Categorique, vol. 40, (1999). careil M. Barr, Cartan-Eilenberg cohomology and triples. J. Pure Applied Algebra, vol. 112 (1996), 219--238. chucon M. Barr, The Chu construction. Theory and Applications of Categories, vol. 2 (1996), 17--35. chuse M. Barr, {The separated extensional Chu category}. Theory and Applications of Categories, vol. 4 (1998), 127--137. ctcs.ansbook. ctcs.elec.supp. ctcsud Updates, corrections and electronic parts of ctcs. fpoccc M. Barr, Fixed point operators in cartesian closed categories. Theoretical Comp. Sci. vol. 70 (1990), 65--72. fzymod M. Barr, Fuzzy models of linear logic. Mathematical Structures Computer Science, vol. 6 (1996), 301--312. hsppos M. Barr, Functorial semantics and HSP type theorems. Algebra Universalis, vol. 31 (1994), 223-241. hsp M. Barr, HSP type theorems in the category of posets. Proc. 7th International Conf. Mathematical Foundation of Programming Language Semantics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 598 (1992) 221--234. omatt M. Barr, *-Autonomous categories: once more around the track}. To apear in Theory and Applications of Categories. orisng M. Barr, Oriented singular homology. Theory and Applications of Categories, vol. 1 (1995), 1--9. scatll M. Barr, $*$-Autonomous categories and linear logic. Mathematical Structures Computer Science, vol. 1 (1991), 159--178. sepvec M. Barr, Separability of tensor in Chu categories of vector spaces. Mathematical Structures Computer Science, vol. 6 (1996), 213--217. sketch M. Barr, Notes on sketches, notes of lectures presented at the Electro-technical laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan. Parts are taken verbatim from TTT. ETL in Tsukuba. Parts of it are adapted from [Barr \& Wells, 1995]. strev M. Barr, $*$-Autonomous categories, revisited. J. Pure Applied Algebra, vol. 111 (1996), 1--20. topop M. Barr, (with M.C. Pedicchio), Top$^{op}$ is a quasi-variety. Cahiers Topologie Geometrie Differentielle Categorique, vol. 36 (1995), 3-11. trmclg M. Barr, Terminal coalgebras in well-founded set theory. Theoretical Comp. Sci., vol. 114 (1993), 299--315. tttcor Corrections to TTT. varset A paper written to order for Mathematical Intelligencer after the editor Chandler Davis twisted my arm and proctically begged me to do it. He has been sitting on it for ten years, any memory of the article it was a response to having long since escaped any reader's mind. Nor has he ever explained himself or apologized. xctrep M. Barr, Representations of categories. J. Pure Applied Algebra, vol. 41 (1986), 113--137. unzip.exe DOS unzip program. I believe all Unix installations come with unzip.