Date: Sat, 1 Oct 1994 12:44:50 +0500 (GMT+4:00)
From: categories <>
Subject: ??? coherent , T_{0} => sober ???

Date: Sat, 1 Oct 1994 05:23:38 +0100
From: Maria Joao Frade <>

Dear Group,

I would be very greatful if someone could help me to make clear the following
situation  (doubt) :

In article "Domain Theory in Logical Form" (1991) S. Abramsky says
(definition 2.3.2) that

   a space X is coherent if the \Omega(X) is a coherent local

and in theorem 2.3.3 (iii) he writes

          CohSp \simeq CohLoc \simeq DLat^{op}

where CohSp is the category of coherent T_{0} spaces, and continuous
maps which preserve compact-open subsets under inverse image.

But, in Johnstone's book "Stone Spaces" (1982) it is written (II.3.4)

    a space X is coherent if it is sober and \Omega(X) is a coherent local

and in the corollary (Stone's representation theorem for distributive
lattices) he writes

    The category DLat is dual to the category CohSp of coherent spaces
    and coherent maps between them.

>From the above definitions and results, I wonder if the following
result is true:
    If the space X is T_{0} and \Omega(X) is a coherent local
    then the space X is sober

I have looked around and I didn't find that result. Am I
misunderstanding something ?

I'm finishing my MSc. thesis on "Behavior and State" and for the
work I'm developing a result like the above would be very helpful.
So, I would be very greatful if you could help me.

Thanks in advance for time and trouble,

        Maria Joao Frade

Maria Joao Gomes Frade        e-mail:
Assistant Lecturer and MSc. student
Departamento de Informatica,  Universidade do Minho

Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 16:53:09 +0500 (GMT+4:00)
From: categories <>
Subject: Re: ??? coherent , T_{0} => sober ???

Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 10:56:46 +0000
From: Steven Vickers <>

>In article "Domain Theory in Logical Form" (1991) S. Abramsky says
>(definition 2.3.2) that
>   a space X is coherent if the \Omega(X) is a coherent local
>and in theorem 2.3.3 (iii) he writes
>          CohSp \simeq CohLoc \simeq DLat^{op}
>where CohSp is the category of coherent T_{0} spaces, and continuous
>maps which preserve compact-open subsets under inverse image.
>But, in Johnstone's book "Stone Spaces" ... [standard defns omitted]
>>From the above definitions and results, I wonder if the following
>result is true:
>    If the space X is T_{0} and \Omega(X) is a coherent local
>    then the space X is sober

The standard definitions of coherent - or spectral - space (e.g. Hochster's
in Trans AMS 142, 1969) clearly include sobriety as part of the definition
(in Hochster: every closed irreducible subspace has a generic point), and
that "T_0 + Omega X coherent" is insufficient.

For a counterexample, let D be the Kahn domain of finite and infinite bit
streams (i.e. order is prefix order, topology is Scott), and let D' be the
subspace formed by removing a single infinite point. The inclusion D' -> D
gives an isomorphism between Omega D' and Omega D, which is coherent, and
D' is T_0. However, D' is not sober, because it lacks the point that was
taken out.

I think therefore that Samson's Defn 2.3.2 ought to be modified to include
sobriety as part of the definition, and that Theorem 2.3.3 needs mild
rewording (e.g. delete "T_0"). Apart from that, I'd be very surprised if
there's anything else in the whole paper that has to be changed as a

Steve Vickers.

Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 16:56:24 +0500 (GMT+4:00)
From: categories <>
Subject: Re: ??? coherent , T_{0} => sober ???

Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 11:32:58 +0100 (BST)
From: Samson Abramsky <>

I'm afraid this was a slip of the pen on my part. I should have included
sobriety in the definition of coherent space (and then omitted T_0 in

This is what comes of trying to be ``helpful'' ...
I included this material as general background only. Theorem 2.3.3 is
never used in the remainder of the paper.

Samson Abramsky

Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 16:59:03 +0500 (GMT+4:00)
From: categories <>
Subject: query of M.J.Frade

Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 14:27:29 -0500
From: James Madden <>

In response to Maria Joao Frade <>, I believe the
following is true:

Let $X$ be an infinite space with the cofinite topology, i.e.,
$U\subseteq X$ is open if and only if $U$ is empty or the complement
of $U$ is finite.  This space is ${\bf T}_0$---${\bf T}_1$,
even---but it is not sober, since $X$ is irreducible closed, but $X$
is not the closure of any point.  (You can make $X$ into a coherent
space by adding a generic point for $X$.)

$\Omega(X)$ is coherent.  It is isomorphic to ${\rm Idl}(L)$, where
$L$ is the lattice of all $\{0,1}\}$-valued functions on $X$ that are
$1$  except at finitely many points.

J. Madden