Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 10:23:40 -0500 From: "Steven R. Costenoble" Subject: categories: Cat as a model category Here's a question I've already asked on the algebraic topology mailing list. I received several very interesting replies, but there seems to be little published and I'm curious what else is out there: I have Thomason's 1980 paper "Cat as a closed model category." Are there any other references for model category structures on Cat, the category of small categories? --Steve Costenoble Dept. of Mathematics Hofstra University Hempstead, NY 11549 From: "Marta Bunge" Subject: categories: Re: Cat as a model category Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 16:43:12 EST The McGill Ph.D. thesis of my student, Murray Heggie, deals with closed model structures in Cat and in presheaf toposes. Its contents have been published in three papers in the Cahiers. • M. Heggie, "The left derived tensor product of CAT-valued diagrams", Cahiers de Top. et Geo. Diff. Cat. XXXIII-1 (1992) 33-53. • M. Heggie, "Homotopy Cofibrations in CAT", Cahiers de Top. et Geo. Diff. Cat., Vol.XXXIII-4, (1992), 291-314. • M. Heggie, "Homotopy Colimits in presheaf categories", Cahiers de Top. et Geo. Diff. Cat., Vol.XXXIV-1, (1993), 13-36. Sincerely, Marta Bunge