The files in this directory are: readme - this file. 90-94.tar.gz - compressed tar'd archive with directories: 90: files containing monthly contents of the messages to the categories mailing list for 1990, date and subject for the year are in 00readme.txt; 91: for 1991; 92: for 1992; date and subject are in the files dir.jan-jun and dir.jul-dec 93: for 1993; 94 for 1994; Subdirectories of this one are: 1995 - for 1995; 1996 - for 1996 - monthly files now unix mail files; 1997 - for 1997; 1998 - for 1998; 1999 - for 1999; For TeX diagram macros see CTAN FOR CURRENT INFORMATION CONSULT THE CATEGORIES WEB PAGE: File updated 1999/2/1