Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 20:56:27 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: braided monoidal categories Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 09:24:12 -0400 From: Stephen Chase This is a belated reply to the query of John Baez regarding the nerve of a braided monoidal category. I'm no expert on these matters and hence may be way off target, but it seems to me that, for a *symmetric* monoidal category, the appropriate (and most useful) analogue of the classifying space should be the spectrum whose homotopy groups yield the algebraic K-theory of the category. There is a simplicial version of spectra which should then provide a suitable nerve. Some of the relevant literature on this is listed below (see especially [4, Section 5] and [5, pp. 1599-1600]). [1] D. Grayson, Higher algebraic K-theory II (after D. Quillen), Springer LNM 551 (1976). [2] M. Jardine, Supercoherence, J. Pure Appl. Alg. 75 (1991), 103-194. [3] G. Segal, Categories and cohomology theories, Topology 13 (1974), 293- 312. [4] R. Thomason, Algebraic K-theory and etale cohomology, Ann. Scient. Ec. Norm. Sup. 13 (1980), 437-552. [5] ____________, First quadrant spectral sequences in algebraic K-theory via homotopy colimits, Comm. in Alg. 19 (1982), 1589-1668. It is natural to ask whether a stable weak n-category (in the sense of Section 5 of the recent preprint by Baez and Dolan, "Higher-dimensional Algebra and Topological Quantum Field Theory") also has a "classifying space" spectrum. Such an object, if it exists, should provide a means of constructing cohomolgy theories in which such n-categories are used as coefficients, in a manner analogous to that in which cochain complexes are used as coefficients in the hypercohomology theories of ordinary homological algebra. In general, I think that algebraic K-theory, which makes heavy use of both category theory and stable homotopy theory, should provide clues regarding what phenomena to expect in higher-dimensional algebra. Steve Chase Date: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 11:00:28 -0300 (ADT) Subject: if a functor locally has a right adjoint does it have a global one ? Date: Fri, 06 Oct 1995 14:36:29 MEZ From: Thomas Streicher Let F : A->B be a functor. We say that F has "locally right adjoints" iff for any object I of A the (obvious) functor F^(I) : A/I->B/FI has a right adjoint U^(I). My question now is : What are sufficient conditions guaranteeing that such an F has itself a right adjoint ? What I know is that if A has a terminal object and B has binary products, then if F has locally right adjoints then F has a right adjoint. The reason is that F = Sigma_FI o F^(1) and - as B has binary products the functor Sigma_F1 has right adjoint (F1)* - F has right adjoint U^(1) o (F1)*. The main case I am interested in is the cxase where both A and B are "partial lex", i.e. have binary(!) pullbacks and products. I vaguely remember that some time ago on this network there was a discussion on functors having locally right adjoints. Maybe one of the persons involved in this discussion coiuld provide me with a hint. Thanks, Thomas Streicher Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 10:03:12 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: braided monoidal categories Date: Mon, 09 Oct 1995 10:57:22 -0400 (EDT) From: The question that you raised was exactly the on that I addressed in my talk at the recent Dalhousie conference in July. The abstract follows but if you will send me a snail mail address, I will send the full manscript with the full set of rather pleasing geometric diagrams which , in my view, makes the role of the braiding quite transparent. Abstract: SOME APPLICATIONS OF 2-CATEGORY TECHNIQUES IN THE THEORY OF BRAIDED TENSOR CATEGORIES John Duskin SUNY/Buffalo Two years ago, in a Montreal talk before an audience composed mostly of category theorists, Pierre Cartier suggested that the theory of 2-categories might prove useful in the study of quantum groups and related topics. This work is the result of one such investigation. A strict tensor (=monoidal) category may be equivalently viewed as a monoid object in Cat or a category object in Mon. As a cat-monoid, its nerve is a simplicial monoid whose underlying double complex is that of 2-category with a single object(= 0-cell) with 1-cells provided by the objects of the tensor category and composition of 1-cells provided by the tensor product . The arrows of the tensor category and their composition give the 2-cells and their composition, and the functoriality of the tensor product give the *-composition of 2-cells and the "interchange law". Strict tensor functors between tensor categories become strict 2-functors between 2-categories with a single object, and it is from this entirely equivalent point of view that we wish to pursue the subject of this talk. First, about Joyal-Street "braidings": In any 2-category one can form the double category of "lax-(commutative) squares" which consists squares of composable 1-cells together with a 2-cell connecting the compositions of the 1-cells on each side of the diagonal. There is an obvious "horizontal composition" of such lax-squares as well as a vertical one and they are easily seen to satisfy the interchange law of a double category. Moreover, there is an obvious way to introduce 2-cells between lax-squares which makes the lax-squares into a category object in 2-Cat which plays it play the role of representing "lax functors between 2-categories". Now, among these lax-squares are those which define the "epi-center" of the 2-category, the lax squares whose two vertical 1-cells are identical and whose horizontal 1-cells are as well. This condition forces all of the corners of square to be the same 0-cell and to have its "interior" to be 2-cell of the form A*B=>B*A when the 2-category is that associated to a strict tensor category. We define a (normalized) braiding on a 2-category with a single object C as a bi-functorial (i.e., functorial in each variable) section c of the epi-center of C cA.B:A*B=>B*A is easily seen to satisfy exactly the conditions of the Joyal-Street definition, including naturality, when the associativity isomorphisms are all identities, except that cA.B is not required to be invertible but we require c1.B=id(B) and cA.1=id(A), "normalization". The chief advantage of this 2-category point of view of strict tensor categories is that it gives an easy " geometric" way to handle braidings using the Sydney-School's highly efficient way of dealing with equations and proofs in 2-categories using "pasting diagrams". Now any 2-category C has its own "oriented geometric nerve" which can be defined as the simplicial set which has the 0-cells of C for 0-simplices and the 1-cells for 1-simplices. 2-simplices x are defined as triangles of 1-cells together with a 2-cell x: d1(x)=>d2(x)*d0(x) for interior. 3-simplices consist of the "commutative tetrahedra" each made of four compatible 2-simplices of the foregoing sort for which the unique composition of the odd faces is equal to that of the even faces, a condition easily expressed as an equality of the corresponding pasting diagrams. Degeneracies are equally well supplied, and the full nerve is just the coskeleton of the just defined truncated complex. From a simplicial point of view this nerve just corresponds to the classifying space of the simplicial category defined by the original 2-category which is its fiber. In the case here at hand of a tensor category this geometric nerve is a reduced (i.e., only one 0-simplex) simplicial set and its fiber is the simplicial monoid defined by the strict tensor category. The nerve is thus seen to form the first step in a simplicial spectrum as we will see below. (One equally well has the oppositely oriented version of this nerve where the 2-simplices interior is of the form x:d0(x)*d2(x) =>d1(x). Both are needed in the applications). Now suppose that the tensor category has a braiding c, then the nerve of C has the structure of a simplicial monoid which is trivial in dimension 0, has the composition of 1-cells (tensor product) as multiplication in dimension 1, but uses the braiding to define the product of two arbitrary 2-simplices x and y using their interiors by pasting the square c(x2,y0) between the triangles x and y to form a new 2-simplex whose faces are exactly the products of the corresponding 1-cell faces (so that the face maps become homomorphisms). this product is associative and untitary (using s0(1) as unit) and the product of commutative tetrahedra is commutative. Thus a braiding defines the structure of a simplicial monoid on the classifying space of (C) with C as its loop complex. This allows us to iterate the construction for one more step and obtain a new simplicial set 2(C) which has 1(C) as its fiber.[2(C) is dgenerate in dimensins 0 and 1,2-simplices are provided by the 1-cells of C viewed as the "interiors of 2-simplices all of whose faces are degenerate. 3-simplices are squares of 1-cells numbered in the odd-to -even fashion with 2-cells now forming the interior. 3-simplices are "commutative cubes" made out of the simplicial kernel with the braiding furnishing the "missing square"] 2(C) is supplied the structure of a simplicial monoid if and only if the braiding is symmetric (c2= id), in which case the iteration can be continued indefinitely. (That symmetric monoidal categories are infinite loop spaces was first observed by Peter May, so what we have here is the low dimensional fragment of the symmetric case.) Now given any structure of a simplicial monoid on the nerve of a tensor category viewed in the fashion which has C as its kernel, the product of the degenerate 2-simplices s1(x)s0(y) may be seen to define a 2-cell c(x,y):x*y=>y*x which may be seen to define a braiding on the original tensor category C and we have the Theorem: There is a bijective correspondence between braidings on a strict tensor category and simplicial monoid structures on it nerve. They define spectra if and only if the braiding is symmetric. Note: Most of the objects of interest in braided tensor categories such as algebras, co-algebras, bialgebras, braided-algebras, commutative algebras modules etc. have a pretty geometric picture when put in this 2-category frame, for example, an associative co-algebra is just a commutative tetrahedron in the above sense which has all of its 1-cell faces equal. Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 10:04:09 -0300 (ADT) Subject: workshop on Games, Processes and Logic Date: Mon, 09 Oct 1995 14:02:44 +0100 From: Andrew Pitts A Newton Institute Workshop GAMES, PROCESSES and LOGIC 6 - 10 November 1995 Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK Call for Registration BACKGROUND The workshop will take place as part of the Newton Institute programme on the Semantics of Computation. The general aims of the programme are twofold. First, to refine the current framework for the semantics of computation so that it is capable of dealing with the more subtle computational features present in the programming languages of today and tomorrow. Secondly, to provide a framework for interaction between such fundamental research and the issues confronted by language designers and software engineers. We particularly have in mind current developments such as object-based concurrent programming, and projects to develop the next generation of advanced programming languages, such as ML 2000. The range of technical and conceptual challenges involved in this work requires active collaboration and flow of information between overlapping communities of mathematicians, computer scientists and computer practitioners. WORKSHOP PROGRAMME Games ===== There are long-standing connections between games and logic (e.g. determinacy of games in Set theory, Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games in Model theory, dialogue games in Proof theory, etc. etc.) More recently, games have been applied to the semantics of computation, in a variety of ways: - Games provide an intrinsic model of interaction, e.g. between a system and its environment, with processes modelled as strategies. This has led to refined models of various logics, type theories and programming languages. - ``Abstract'' notions of games (Chu spaces, Dialectica categories) have been used to model Linear Logic, and a variety of computational situations. - Games can be used to characterize notions of equivalence between processes, such as bisimulation; and to characterize provability in various logical systems. - Probabilistic games have been used to characterize complexity classes; these games have been related to provability in certain fragments of Linear logic. - Game formalisms have been used in proving decidability of a number of second-order systems. Processes ========= The notion of concurrent process can be seen as one of the few key conceptual contributions of Computer Science with no evident precursor in Logic or Mathematics. As such, it sets new challenges for logical formalization. Apart from the extensive work on applying modal and temporal logic to concurrency, there is also much current activity on trying to combine process calculi with lambda-calculus and type theory in a unified setting. The modelling of imperative and functional features in combination, as in ML or ``Algol-like'' languages, is also very challenging. Milner's action calculi aim to provide a unifying formalism in a categorical framework; there are many other current approaches. The aim of the Workshop is to bring together researchers pursuing these various strands, to compare and contrast the different approaches, and take stock of current progress and future directions. The following people have already agreed to speak at the Workshop: Martin Hyland (dialogue games, semantics of proofs and functional programs) Robin Milner (action structures) John Mitchell, Andre Scedrov (probabilistic games, IP and Linear Logic) Luke Ong (dialogue games and semantics of proofs in Classical logic) Vaughan Pratt (Chu spaces) Colin Stirling (games for bisimulation and proof tableaux in modal mu-calculus) Philip Scott (process interpretations of Linear Logic) The organizers invite offers of contributed talks. These will be selected on the basis of submitted abstracts. Abstracts in English (up to 2 pages) should be sent (preferably by email) to Prof. Samson Abramsky (GPL) Department of Computing Imperial College 180 Queen's Gate London SW7 2BZ email: In addition to an indication of the results to be presented in the talk and their relevance to the theme of the workshop, the abstract should give the talk title and the speakers's name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address (when available). CONFERENCE LOCATION, COSTS AND REGISTRATION The workshop will take place in the Newton Institute's purpose-designed building, in a pleasant area in the west of Cambridge, about one mile from the centre of the City. There will be a registration fee of 40 pounds (includes the cost of lunches, coffee and tea breaks). The Newton Institute can provide assistance with finding local accommodation---the cost of which is likely to be 40 pounds per day including breakfast. To register, please return the appended REGISTRATION FORM to: Mike Sekulla Isacc Newton Institute 20 Clarkson Road Cambridge CB3 0EH Tel: +44 1223 335984 Fax: +44 1223 330508 Email: For more information or further enquiries about the workshop contact: Prof. Samson Abramsky --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION FORM [Return to] Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences Workshop on GAMES, PROCESSES and LOGIC 6 - 10 November 1995 Name: Organization: Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Accomodation needed? If yes, which nights [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 recommended]? Sunday 5 Monday 6 Tuesday 7 Wednesday 8 Thursday 9 Friday 10 Offering contributed talk? [If yes, send abstract direct to] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 10:38:05 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: if a functor locally has a right adjoint does it have a Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 10:16:16 +0100 From: BOERGER One sufficient condition can be found in my joint paper with Walter Tholen "Abschwaechungen des Adjunktionsbegriffs", manuscripta math. 19 (1976), 19-45 as Theorem 14, part 2: A lcally riht adjoint functor is right adjoint if it is weakly final and preserves binary products and if binary products exist in the domain category. Obviously, weak finality and product presevation are also necessary. Greetings Reinhard Boerger Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 10:37:18 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Oktoberfest meeting Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 20:19:26 -0400 From: Robert A. G. Seely For those planning to attend the Oktoberfest meeting in Montreal next weekend: I have added a short info link giving the weather reports to the Oktoberfest Home page on the net (URL below). General info is there too. = rags = URLS Oktoberfest info page: CRTC/CTRC Home page Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 21:08:44 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Oktoberfest Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 17:04:04 -0400 From: Robert A. G. Seely Note for those attending the meeting in Montreal 14 - 15 October: The talks will be held in the Bronfman Building, NOT Burnside Hall as is usual. The Bronfman Building is located on Sherbrooke St one block "west" of the main gates to the campus. The meeting room is No. 151, and the first talk Saturday will be at 9:00 am. Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 10:31:50 -0300 (ADT) Subject: CT95 Proceedings Web Page Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 10:02:15 -0300 (ADT) From: Bob Rosebrugh CT95 WEB PAGE AND PROCEEDINGS This is to announce the availability of the CT95 Web page which includes: - list of speakers and their topics - link to the abstracts (dvi format) - links to material provided by speakers (the Proceedings) - link to information on the CT Summer School The URL is and a link is provided from the categories home page: CT95 speakers wishing to add a link to material related to their talk may write to Bob Rosebrugh, Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 10:32:00 -0300 (ADT) Subject: CT95 Proceedings Web Page Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 10:02:15 -0300 (ADT) From: Bob Rosebrugh CT95 WEB PAGE AND PROCEEDINGS This is to announce the availability of the CT95 Web page which includes: - list of speakers and their topics - link to the abstracts (dvi format) - links to material provided by speakers (the Proceedings) - link to information on the CT Summer School The URL is and a link is provided from the categories home page: CT95 speakers wishing to add a link to material related to their talk may write to Bob Rosebrugh, Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 13:21:27 -0300 (ADT) Subject: where are Iossif and Suzuki? Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 14:51:33 +0100 From: Jaap van Oosten Via Stefano Kasangian I've come in the possession of a typed manuscript entitled "The concept of computational varieties", written by Michael Iossif and Yoshindo Suzuki. According to Stefano, this dates back to the (early?) 80's. The authors develop an abstract idea of "computable function", using sheaves; and they finally prove that their computable functions are closed under primitive recursion. Has anyone heard of these people? At the time of the manuscript they worked at the Logic Division of the university of Sussex (presumably England). I'd be very grateful for a pointer. Jaap van Oosten Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 10:40:48 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Tentative speakers list (+ 1 abstract) Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 23:04:33 -0400 From: Michael Barr Dan Christensen Phantom phenomena in triangulated categories Leopold Roman Quantic nuclei and conuclei in several lattices Fox TBA Jim Lambek TBA Dieter Pumpluen The Eilenberg-Moore Algebras of Base-normed Banach Spaces Francisco Marmolejo TBA Mike Wendt Bochner Integration and Algebraic Theories Robert A. G. Seely Circuits for categories with general context RJ Wood Starred pointed equipments Ioannis Raptis Axiomatic Quantum Timespace Structure: A preamble to the Quantum Topos Conception of the Vacuum Dan Mackinnon A New Construction of the Simplicial 2-Category Bob Rosebrugh Minimal Realization and Process Bicategories (joint work with R. F. C. Walters) This is part of a general program to describe automata as 1-cells of bicategories equipped with various operations. Our goal here is to study reachability, minimization and minimal realization in these bicategories of processes. Along the way we consider appropriate notions of behaviour for morphisms. We use (co)lax (co)monads to describe reachability and minimization. Our main results are minimal realization theorems which extend classical minimal realization to account for serial composition. Xiaomin Dong Span --| Map adjunction in preordered categories Jack Duskin Braided k-algebras Hongde Hu Relative bicompletions and free bicompletions Peter Freyd Paracategories Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 13:57:18 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: Tentative speakers list (+ 1 abstract) Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 11:49:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Minor Correction: The title of my talk will be "Braided cat-k-algebras" Jack Duskin Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 12:16:19 -0300 (ADT) Subject: 3rd WoLLIC'96 Date: Sun, 15 Oct 95 17:35:41 EST From: Ruy de Queiroz \documentstyle[a4]{article} \renewcommand{\thepage}{} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\large\bf 3rd Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC'96)}\\[1.0ex] %{\large and}\\ %{\large\bf 11th Brazilian Conference on Mathematical Logic}\\ %{\large\bf (EBL'96)}\\[.8ex] {\large May 8--10, 1996}\\[.8ex] {\large Salvador (Bahia), Brazil}\\[1.0ex] \end{center} \bigskip \noindent The {\bf 3rd Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation} ({\bf WoLLIC'96}) %, together with the {\bf 11th Brazilian Conference on %Mathematical Logic} (`{\bf 11o.\ Encontro Brasileiro de L\'ogica}' -- %{\bf EBL'96}) will be held in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil), from the 8th to the 10th May 1996. Contributions are invited in the form of two-page (600 words) abstract in all areas related to logic, language, information and computation, including: pure logical systems, proof theory, model theory, type theory, category theory, constructive mathematics, lambda and combinatorial calculi, program logic and program semantics, nonclassical logics, nonmonotonic logic, logic and language, discourse representation, logic and artificial intelligence, automated deduction, foundations of logic programming, logic and computation, and logic engineering.\\ There will be a number of guest speakers, including:\\ S.\ Abramsky (London) (*), J.\ Barwise (Indiana) (*), A.\ Blass (Michigan), S.\ Feferman (Stanford), J.\ Groenendijk (Amsterdam), H.\ Kamp (Stuttgart) (*), P.\ Martin-L\"of (Stockholm) (*), G.\ Plotkin (Edinburgh) (*) \noindent (`*' denotes unconfirmed).\\ %{\bf EBL'96}/ {\bf WoLLIC'96} is part of a larger biennial event in computer science being held in the campus of the Federal University of Bahia from the 6th to the 10th of May 1996: the {\bf 6th SEMINFO} (6th Informatics Week). The {\bf 6th SEMINFO} will involve parallel sessions, tutorials, mini-courses, as well as a Workshop on Distributed Systems ({\bf WoSiD'96}).\\ {\bf Submission}: Two-page abstracts, preferably by e-mail to ****** must be RECEIVED by MARCH 8th, 1996 by the Chair of the Organising Committee. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 8th, 1996. The {\bf 3rd WoLLIC'96} is officially sponsored by the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL) and The European Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI). % The %{\bf EBL'96} is the annual meeting of Brazilian Logic Society. Abstracts will be published in the Journal of the IGPL (ISSN 0945-9103) as part of the meeting report. Selected contributed papers will be invited for submission (in full version) to a special issue of the Journal.\\ {\bf The location}: Salvador, Capital of the Bahia state, the first European settlement of Portuguese America and the first Capital of Brazil, is where all the most important colonial buildings were constructed: churches, convents, palaces, forts and many other monuments. Part of the city historical center has been safekept by UNESCO since 1985. Five hundred years of blending Native American, Portuguese, and African influences have left a rich culture to its people, which can be felt on its music, food, and mysticism. Salvador is located on the northeastern coast of Brazil and the sun shines year round with the average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. It is surrounded by palm trees and beaches with warm water. City population is around 2.5 million and life style is quite relaxed.\\ {\bf Programme Committee}: W.\ A.\ Carnielli (UNICAMP, Campinas), M.\ Costa (EMBRAPA, Brasilia), V.\ de Paiva (Cambridge Univ., UK), R.\ de Queiroz (UFPE, Recife), A.\ Haeberer (PUC, Rio), T.\ Pequeno (UFC, Fortaleza), L.\ C.\ Pereira (PUC, Rio), K.\ Segerberg (Uppsala Univ., Sweden), A.\ M.\ Sette (UNICAMP, Campinas), P.\ Veloso (PUC, Rio).\\ For further information, contact the Chair of Organising Committee: R.\ de Queiroz, Departamento de Inform\'atica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) em Recife, Caixa Postal 7851, Recife, PE 50732-970, Brazil, e-mail:, tel: +55~81~271~8430, fax +55~81~271~8438. (Co-Chair: T.\ Pequeno, LIA, UFC,, fax +55~85~223~1333)\\ Web homepage: \end{document} Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 14:21:58 -0300 (ADT) Subject: CFP: 1996 Federated Logic Conference (text/Latex) Date: Mon, 16 Oct 95 11:38 EDT From: Doug Howe [A postscript version of this announcement is available on the web at, and by ftp from, directory /dist/floc.] [Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.] Call For Papers 1996 FEDERATED LOGIC CONFERENCE FLoC'96 July 27 - August 3, 1996, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA As part of its Special Year on Logic and Algorithms, DIMACS will host the 1996 Federated Logic Conference (FLoC). FLoC is modeled after the successful Federated Computer Research Conference (FCRC), and brings together synergetic conferences that apply logic to computer science. The participating conferences are: Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE), Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), and Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA). LICS and RTA will be held in parallel during the first four days of FLoC. CADE and CAV will be held during the last four days, with CADE workshops running in parallel with the last day of LICS. Plenary events involving all the conferences are scheduled. CADE: July 30 - August 3 CAV: July 31 - August 3 LICS: July 27 - July 30 RTA: July 27 - July 30 PAPER SUBMISSION: FLoC itself does not have a separate submissions process. Submissions must be directed to the individual conferences. Parallel submissions are not allowed: a paper may not be submitted to more than one of the participating conferences. The calls for papers of the participating conferences can be obtained via the FLoC web page, or via anonymous ftp. Submission deadlines: CADE: January 12, 1996 CAV: January 4, 1996 LICS: December 13, 1995 RTA: January 15, 1996 WWW: FTP: From, directory /dist/floc/. FURTHER INFORMATION: For e-mail enquiries regarding the participating meetings, use,,, or Information about the DIMACS Special Year on Logic and Algorithms can be found in CONFERENCE COMMITTEE CHAIR: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: Jon G. Riecke Rajeev Alur, AT&T Bell Labs AT&T Bell Laboratories Leo Bachmair, SUNY Stony Brook 600 Mountain Avenue, Rm 2B-430 Amy Felty, AT&T Bell Labs Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA Douglas J. Howe, AT&T Bell Labs Jon G. Riecke, AT&T Bell Labs Phone: (607) 582-4517 Fax: (607) 582-7550 STEERING COMMITTEE CHAIR: STEERING COMMITTEE: Moshe Y. Vardi Steve Mahaney, DIMACS Department of Computer Science Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice Rice University 6100 S. Main Street Houston, Texas 77005-1892, USA %-------------------- Latex version below (cut here) ---------------------- \documentstyle{article} \topmargin 0pt \advance \topmargin by -\headheight \advance \topmargin by -\headsep \textheight 8.9in \oddsidemargin 0pt \evensidemargin \oddsidemargin \marginparwidth 0.5in \textwidth 6.5in \renewcommand{\i}[1]{{\it #1 \/}} \textwidth 6.5in \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} {\small CALL FOR PAPERS}\\[3ex] {\large\bf 1996 Federated Logic Conference }\\[2ex] {\Large\bf FLoC'96 }\\[2ex] {\large\it July 27 - August 3, 1996, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA} \end{center} \vspace{.2in} \medskip \begin{minipage}[t]{2.00in}% first column \newcommand{\itemskip}{\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip} \small \parskip 4pt {\bf Conference Committee Chair:} \\[1mm] Jon G. Riecke\\ AT\&T Bell Laboratories\\ 600 Mountain Avenue, Rm 2B-430\\ Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA\\ {\tt}\\ Phone: (607) 582-4517\\ Fax: (607) 582-7550\\ \itemskip {\bf Conference Committee:} \\[1mm] Rajeev Alur, \i{AT\&T Bell Labs}\\ Leo Bachmair, \i{SUNY Stony Brook} \\ Amy Felty, \i{AT\&T Bell Labs}\\ Douglas J. Howe, \i{AT\&T Bell Labs}\\ Jon G. Riecke, \i{AT\&T Bell Labs}\\ \itemskip {\bf Steering Committee Chair:}\\[1mm] Moshe Y.~Vardi\\ Department of Computer Science\\ Rice University\\ 6100 S.~Main Street\\ Houston, Texas 77005-1892, USA\\ {\tt}\\[1mm] \itemskip {\bf Steering Committee:} \\[1mm] Steve Mahaney, \i{DIMACS}\\ Moshe Y.~Vardi, \i{Rice}\\ \end{minipage} \hskip .25 in \begin{minipage}[t]{3.85in}% second column %\small \parskip 4pt As part of its Special Year on Logic and Algorithms, DIMACS will host the 1996 Federated Logic Conference (FLoC). FLoC is modeled after the successful Federated Computer Research Conference (FCRC), and brings together synergetic conferences that apply logic to computer science. The participating conferences are: Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE), Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), and Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA). LICS and RTA will be held in parallel during the first four days of FLoC. CADE and CAV will be held during the last four days, with CADE workshops running in parallel with the last day of LICS. Plenary events involving all the conferences are scheduled. \begin{center}\em \begin{tabular}{{ll}} CADE: & July 30 -- August 3 \\ CAV: & July 31 -- August 3\\ LICS: & July 27 -- July 30 \\ RTA: & July 27 -- July 30 \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} {\bf Paper submission:} FLoC itself does not have a separate submissions process. Submissions must be directed to the individual conferences. Parallel submissions are not allowed: a paper may not be submitted to more than one of the participating conferences. The calls for papers of the participating conferences can be obtained via the FLoC web page, or via anonymous ftp. Submission deadlines: \begin{center}\em \begin{tabular}{ll} %\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bf Submission Deadlines:} \\ CADE: & January 12, 1996 \\ CAV: & January 4, 1996 \\ LICS: & December 13, 1995 \\ RTA: & January 15, 1996 \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} {\bf WWW:}\ \ {\em}. {\bf FTP:}\ \ From {\em}, directory {\em /dist/floc/}. {\bf Further Information:} For e-mail enquiries regarding the participating meetings, use rta96@\, cade13@\, lics96@\, or cav96@\ Information about the DIMACS Special Year on Logic and Algorithms can be found in \end{minipage} \end{document} Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 10:35:57 -0300 (ADT) Subject: a question Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 09:33:34 +0100 From: TONOLO@PDMAT1.MATH.UNIPD.IT Dear Professors, I wish to know if complete lattices with the following property have been considered and named: h < sup a_i ==> h = sup( h : a_i) (I use : for the binary meet) for each h and each directed family {a_i | i\in I} of elements of the lattice. Thanking for the attention, with my best regards Alberto Tonolo Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 11:43:27 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: a question Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 14:22:17 +0000 From: Steve Vickers >I wish to know if complete lattices with the following property have >been considered and named: > > h < sup a_i ==> h = sup( h : a_i) (I use : for the binary >meet) >for each h and each directed family {a_i | i\in I} of elements of the lattice. The condition is equivalent to binary meets distributing over directed joins, and it's well known (e.g. Johnstone's "Stone Spaces" Lemma VII.4.1) that this holds for all continuous lattices. Posets that have finite meets and directed joins and this distributivity have been called "preframes" by Banaschewski, so if you are genuinely interested in complete lattices with preframe distributivity you might plausibly call them complete preframes. Steve Vickers. Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:01:52 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: a question Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 14:34:11 -0400 (EDT) From: < h = sup( h : a_i) (I use : for the binary meet) for each h and each directed family {a_i | i\in I} of elements of the lattice.>> You have the meet-continuous lattices introduced in 1948 by G. Birkhoff and O. Frink. The usual definition is, for each up-directed family {a_i} and each h,h : sup a_i = sup h : a_i (in your notation). This is easily seen to be equivalent. There is a lot known about them by now. Yours, John Isbell Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 21:05:58 -0300 (ADT) Subject: 2-cats Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 15:04:06 -0400 (EDT) From: James Stasheff For a grad student, what's a good *expositiory* intro to 2-cats and bicats...? thanks Jim Stasheff Math-UNC (919)-962-9607 Chapel Hill NC FAX:(919)-962-2568 27599-3250 May 15 - August 15: 146 Woodland Dr Lansdale PA 19446 (215)822-6707 Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:09:17 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: 2-cats Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 11:44:57 +1000 (EST) From: Max Kelly Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 15:04:06 -0400 (EDT) From: James Stasheff For a grad student, what's a good *expositiory* intro to 2-cats and bicats...? thanks Jim Stasheff Math-UNC (919)-962-9607 Chapel Hill NC FAX:(919)-962-2568 27599-3250 May 15 - August 15: 146 Woodland Dr Lansdale PA 19446 (215)822-6707 ______- Why not START with Kelly-Street, Review of the elements of 2-categories, Lecture Notes in Math. 420, 75-103? Then go on to some of Ross Street's expository articles - I'm sure he will suggest some when he returns from a holiday at the end of this week. However the article above contains some beautiful stuff, and should be better known - you'ld probably find it fun to read it yourself. Regards, Max Kelly. Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 10:36:54 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: "a question" Date: 19-OCT-1995 19:34:07.42 From: Fred E.J. Linton Alberto Tonolo asks about complete lattices with the following property (I replace his meet-symbol ":" with the symbol "^" instead): > h < sup a_i ==> > > h = sup( h ^ a_i) (*_h) > > for each h and each directed family {a_i | i in I} of elements of the lattice. I can point out only that, in any lattice (complete or not) in which the family a_i (i in I) has a sup, to require (*_h) for each h < sup a_i is the same as to require the distributivity h ^ sup a_i = sup (h ^ a_i) (d_h) for just all h . Indeed, the relations (d_h) and (*_h) coincide, and are trivial, when h < sup a_i ; and when h = sup a_i they not only coincide but are tautologous. In particular, (d_h) for all h guarantees (*_h) for h < sup a_i , and (*_h) for h < sup a_i guarantees (d_h) at least for all h that are < or = to sup a_i . For general h' , let h = h' ^ sup a_i . Then either h < sup a_i or h = sup a_i ; in either case, (d_h) holds. To see that (d_h') holds as well, just calculate: since h = h' ^ sup a_i , either h < or h = sup a_i ; and, by (*_h) , h' ^ sup a_i = h = sup (h ^ a_i) = sup ((h' ^ sup a_i) ^ a_i) = = sup (h' ^ ((sup a_i) ^ a_i)) = sup (h' ^ a_i) . In particular, *every* h ^ (-) will distribute through whatever joins happen to satisfy (*_h) for just all smaller h than the join; if the lattice is complete and satisfies the (*_h) condition for all joins and all h smaller than them, it is a frame; and, I guess, if I'm not utterly confused by what the term "continuous lattice" means, if the lattice has directed joins and the (*_h) condition holds for all directed joins and all h smaller than them, then it's a continuous lattice (or, anyway, *every* h ^ (-) distributes through every directed join). Hope this helps. And I'm sure someone will correct me if I've misunderstood the meaning of "continuous lattice" :-) . -- FEJ [PS: Address change: please make a note of it -- the address fejlinton @ is officially dead (AT&T Mail's recent trebling of their monthly fee made me leave their service). Still valid are FLinton @ Wesleyan.EDU , the older and more complicated FLinton @ eagle.Wesleyan.EDU , the still older FLinton @ WESLEYAN.bitnet , and fejlinton @ . Thanks for your attention. - FEJ ] Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 11:34:36 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: "a question" Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 09:36:12 EDT5EST From: Philipp Sunderhauf Fred E.J. Linton in an answer to the question of Alberto Tonolo: > I guess, if > I'm not utterly confused by what the term "continuous lattice" means, > if the lattice has directed joins and the (*_h) condition holds for all > directed joins and all h smaller than them, then it's a continuous lattice > (or, anyway, *every* h ^ (-) distributes through every directed > join). > Hope this helps. And I'm sure someone will correct me if I've misunderstood > the meaning of "continuous lattice" :-) . 1) "continuous lattice" refers to complete lattices only, so the condition of existing directed sups is obsolete. 2) The equational characterisation of continuous lattices is directed sups distributing over *arbitrary* infs. As pointed out by John Isbell, the lattices referred to by Alberto Tonolo are known as "meet- continuous". 3) Detailed answers to this and related questions may be found in The Compendium: G Gierz, KH Hofmann, K Keimel, JD Lawson, M Mislove, D Scott: A Compendium of Continuous Lattices. Springer 1980. Philipp. ------ Philipp S"underhauf Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Southern Maine Portland, ME 04103 Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 11:33:36 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: a question Date: Sun, 22 Oct 1995 11:20:07 -0700 From: William H. Rowan Dear Alberto, It would seem your property is implied by one form of continuity, I think it is upper continuity. I think algebraic lattices also have your property. Best, Bill Rowan Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 16:37:30 -0400 (AST) Subject: Shape papers Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 13:47:03 GMT From: Barry Jay The following papers on SHAPE may be of interest to category theorists and computer scientists. The titles are: "A semantics for shape" "Data categories and functors" datacats.dvi.Z "Covariant types" covtypes.dvi.Z "Polynomial Polymorphism" (in directory P2) "Type-free term reduction for covariant types" typefree.dvi.Z "Shape analysis for parallel computing" parshape.dvi.Z All are available by anonymous ftp from in the directory Users/cbj *Some* can be acessed from my www home page at The rest of this message describes the main results of the papers, and some of the goals of the Shape project. Barry Jay University of Technology, Sydney Reply-To: (until 30/11/95) A semantics for shape ===================== The basic observation behind shape theory is that most of the functors F used to model data types share a common characteristic; they have a cartesian natural transformation into a functor used to store unstructured data. In the simplest case, the latter is the list (or free monoid) functor: data: F => L The main result of this paper is that in a locos (an extensive category with all finite limits and lists) all functors shapely over lists are closed under the formation of initial algebras. The proof is constructive - simply build a parser for the initial algebra, using the existing lists and pullbacks. Data categories and functors ============================ The functors which are cartesian over lists are good for handling first order structures, but they are not closed under exponentiation, and so are inadequate for higher-order types. This defect is remedied by changing the functor used to store data from lists to a *position functor* given by an object of positions P. Such a functor maps an object A to the object P --> A+1 . A *data functor* is a functor F with a given cartesian transformation to such a position functor. Now, for any object X the functor which maps A to the object X --> FA is also a position functor, with object of positions XxP. The key result about data functors is that every natural transformation between two such is given by a uniform, or parametric natural transformation. More precisely, if F is a data functor with object of positions P, and G is a data functor, then every natural transformation F ==> G is determined by a morphism F1 --> GP This fact makes the data functors suitable for modelling higher types. Covariant Types =============== The data categories, in which the theory of data functors is developed, include the usual semantic categories, such as Sets, and bottomless c.p.o.'s. However, Reynolds proved that "Polymorphism is not set-theoretic" by showing that the second-order polymorphic lambda calculus (system F) has no set-theoretic models. This leads us to ask what kind of polymorphism is modelled by the data functors. This leads to the covariant type system in which function types are replaced by *transformation types*. The system is strong enough to capture the usual polymorphism of lists and trees, while still having set-theoretic models. Thus, Polymorphism *can* be set-theoretic Polynomial Polymorphism ======================= As a sub-system of F, the covariant types do not capture functoriality. For shape (or functorial) polymorphism to make sense, there must be a polymorphic algorithm for evaluating the action of functors on morphisms, i.e. a polymorphic map. Such an algorithm was first developed in the type system P2, as described in the following paper. Type-free term reduction for covariant types ============================================ A generic algorithm for mapping requires the detection of the data to which the mapped function must be applied. One method of doing this is to *tag* the data using a single system of tags appropriate for all the functors under discussion. A naive approach leads to the tagged types of this paper. Functorial types ================ Current work aims to have functors represented directly by types so that, for example, composition of functors is a primitive operation on types. This is intended to extend the notion of category theory as a programming technique. Shape analysis for parallel computing ===================================== While shape polymorphism allows us to "ignore" the shape, shape analysis uses detailed shape information to improve errr detection and compilation. This is particularly important in parallel programming, where the shape of the data structures, and their distribution, are central concerns. This paper presents a survey of the issues, and a computational paradigm, that will be developed by the Algorithms and Languages Group University of Technology, Sydney