Physics TA certificate form

Submission date: March 15 of graduating year

Before you begin to fill in this form, make sure you have:

  • the date and instructor of your TA training course
  • a list of all courses you TAed, including course number and term
  • date, topic, and course in which you presented your in-class lecture

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

employment practice

Employment/Practice: Successful completion of two or more terms of employment as a Mount Allison Physics teaching assistant (exclude marker only positions). List all. 

Course number, term, and job description
more items


Presentation of a short in-class lecture of 15 to 20 minutes in consultation with faculty. This can be requested specifically for the Certificate or done as part of a physics internship but must not be for course credit. (PowerPoint slides and other teaching material should be provided to faculty 24 hours in advance for review.)

You can include outreach, volunteering with camps etc.