Dr. R. Rosebrugh
Dunn 203
Check this URL regularly for information about the course.
From the text: p18: 2,4; p21: 4,5; p23: 2,6,7
Due January 19
From the text: p25: 2,5; p29: 2,4; p33: 3,4
Due January 29
From the text: p38: 4,5; p 43: 6; p47 2 b),c),d), 4; p55 6,8.
Due February 7
From the text: p63: 6,7; p 66: 4; p69 3; p74 3,7.
Due February 15
From the text: p78: 2 b), e) 3 a), c), d); p83 3, 5; p89 3, 7 (careful of
boundary case!)
Due March 5
From the text: p94: 2, 4; p96 3, 4, 8.
Due March 12
From the text: p102: 6; p112 2; p115 2 b), e); 118 3; p127 7.
Due March 19
From the text: p136: 7,9; p144 4; p151 2 a); p155 5; p161 2,6.
Due March 29
From the text: p178: 1,7; p187 4; p192 6; p201 4.
Due April 5, may be handed in until April 13 without penalty.
Additional recommended problems: p213 1,2,7; p217 6; p222 5 a), b).