The course meeting time is 8:30MWF. For official detail see the Department Handbook.
The textbook is
Grades will be assigned with approximately the following weights:
There will be written and programming assignments, including use of the computer algebra system MAPLE. The test will be held in class October 26.
From the text: 1.1: 10,14; 1.2: 4,20,24; 1.3: 4,6,10. Due Sept. 25.
From the text: 2.1: 6,10,14; 2.2: 8,12,18; 2.3: 14,20; 2.4: 6. When you use a text implementation of an algorithm say what system you used and provide a printout of the run. Due October 9.
From the text: 2.5: 10; 2.6: 6; 3.1: 8,18; 3.3: 4. Due October 23.
From the text: 3.4: 16; 4.1: 12; 4.3: 4 a-d, 8; 4.4: 8,18; 4.5: 4. Due November 11.
From the text: 5.1: 2, 6 a,b,c; 5.2: 2 a,b, 10; 5.3: 6; 5.4: 4 a,c, 12 a,c; 5.6: 2. Due November 30.