Dr. R. Rosebrugh
Dunn 203
Check this URL regularly for information about the course.
1.15, 1.28(a),(b), 1.30(a),(c) (not the coseparator parts)
Due September 18.
Be sure to attempt all problems in the text, not just the ones assigned to
be handed in.
From the text: 1.31, 2.10, 2.12 (tricky), 2.14, 2.40 a), b)
Due September 30
From the text:
2.23; 2.29 (c), (d); 2.38, 2.45 (b) (this requires considering 2.43, 2.44)
Due October 9
From the text:
3.17, 3.22, 3.31, 3.34, 3.38, 3.40
Due October 19
From the text: 3.46 (a), 3.48 (a) - you may do this for X = 2 only ( and recall 2.45 b), 3.52, 4.2 (the question should read
"...colimit of data for a data type"), 4.7.
Due October 30
From the text: 4.18, 4.27, 4.40, 4.52 (you need first to characterize epis in S/X - you may take X = 2), 5.1
Due November 9
From the text: 5.3 5.15 6.2 6.6 6.12 c) - you may assume 6.12 a)
Due November 20
From the text: 6.13, 7.9, 7.17, 7.20 (you may assume the distributive law for S), 8.1
Due December 2.