CS1711 - Fall 1999

To send an email to your instructor, click on the name:

Dr. Miller Sect. A
Dr. Rosebrugh Sect . B

For material specific to your section, look at

Section A.
Section B.


Lab Test during labs on Nov. 16 and 18

1998 labs from CS1711 are in the 171198 folder on the /T: drive.

Installing software from the CD-ROM - How to



All assignment solutions must conform to the CS1711 Programming Standards Programs which violate standards will be marked down at least one grade.

To hand in your assignment:

  1. File names are to be as specified after each question.
  2. Use the appropriate Dropbox for your files. These are the top item under Academic Programs on the MTA Web page. Navigate to your instructor and course. Make sure to choose the correct assignment. Type in the filename where your source code is found and click Submit. You will receive an email confirming your submission - otherwise the submission is not complete and you should try again.
  3. Hand in to your instructor a printed copy of the programs you drop-boxed. You can use Visual C++ or a word processor to print, but be sure that the format preserves your indentation.

Some useful hints on Visual C++ from Prof. Ford are at http://mathcs.mta.ca/~rford/courses/fall99/cs2611/notes/visualc.html

General Information

The course meets MWF at 9:30 (Sect A) and 12:30 (Sect B); the text is "Computing using C++ and Objject Technology" by Ford and Topp. We will cover approximately Chapters 1 to 7, and parts of 8. There will be assigned one and one-half hour labs held in the PC Lab in Physics and Engineering. Labs starting the week of September 20. There will be several programming assignments. One in-class test will be held on October 25. For official detail see the Department Handbook.

In order to pass the course a passing grade on the aggregate of the test and the final exam must be obtained. The final grade in the course will be assigned with approximately the following weighting:

Course Ethics

You are expected to be familiar with and respect the Computer Account Policy of Computing Services.

By its nature much of the work in Computing Science is done in collaborations. Indeed, in later courses in the subject you will often be assigned to work on projects in small groups. Thus, it is important that students in CS1711 have a clear idea of what is appropriate collaboration and what is cheating.

All CS 1711 course work must be done individually. You are encouraged to discuss any CS1711 topic, including programming and lab assignments, with other students in the course but exchange of any C++ code by any written or electronic means between CS1711 students is not acceptable. It is dishonest either to read someone else's solution or to provide a classmate with a copy of your work.

Penalties for cheating are severe and may result in a failing grade for the course. See Calendar Regulation 6.46, especially part 7.

Do not expect that small changes in a program (such as altering comments, changing variable names, or interchanging statements) will avoid detection. If you cannot do the work yourself, it is extremely unlikely that you will succeed in disguising someone else's work.

Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Even the most trivial assignment is better not done than if you cheat to complete it.