The course prerequisite is a university preparatory level course in Mathematics. If in doubt, ask an Instructor.
Section A meets MWF at 9:30 in Dunn 108; Section B meets MWF at 10:30 in Dunn 108;
the text-book is Invitation to Computer Science, Third Edition: Java Version,
by G. Schneider and Judith Gersting, and we will also be using the Lab Manual. At the rate of about one chapter
per week, we will cover approximately Chapters 1 to 5 (before the first Midterm Test), 6, 8 and parts of other chapters.
There will be assigned three hour labs held in the PC Lab in Dunn 102.
Labs start the week of September 10. There will be homework assigned from the text from which the quiz problems will be drawn.
Two in-class Mid-term Tests will be held on October 12 and November 16.
The Lab Test will be held during labs on Nov. 26 to 29.
Slides from Sept. 5, 2007 class.
For official detail see the Department Web Page.
Laboratory attendance is mandatory. As noted above,
you must complete 8 of the 9 labs to pass the course
(unless excused).
Please contact Robert Allen concerning lab absences.
This year as an experiment, the Thursday lab is for women only. To see why
If interested, contact an Instructor to facilitate any necessary timetable changes.
The Lab Test will be held during labs between Nov. 26 and Nov. 29.
By its nature, much of the work in Computer Science is done in collaborations. Indeed, in later courses in the subject students are often assigned to work on projects in small groups. Thus, it is important that students in CS1631 have a clear idea of what is appropriate collaboration and what is cheating.
You are encouraged to discuss any CS1631 topic, including lab assignments, with other students in the course but exchange of any code by any written or electronic means between CS1631 students is not acceptable. It is dishonest either to read someone else's solution or to provide a classmate with a copy of your work.
Penalties for cheating are severe and may result in a failing grade for the course. See Calendar Regulation 6.13.
Do not expect that small changes will avoid detection. If you cannot do the work yourself, it is extremely unlikely that you will succeed in disguising someone else's work.
Chapter 1
Exercises: 3,4,7,8,13
Chapter 2:
Practice Problems: p45 3,5; p54 2,4; p66 2,3; p73 2,3 (answers at back of text).
Exercises: 1,3,7,8,14,19,23
Chapter 3:
Practice Problems: p84 3; p94 1; p105 2,4; p110 1,2; p113 1; p117 1,2 (answers at back of text)
Exercises: 2,5,7,10,11,14,20,25,28,31
Chapter 4:
Practice Problems: p.142 #1,2,4; p.150 #2; p.159 #1,3; p.169 #2,3; p.178 #1 (answers at back of text)
Exercises: 1, 7, 10, 15, 16, 17
Chapter 5:
Practice Problems: p.201 #1,2,4; p.207 #1,2,3; p.215 #1-5 (answers at back of text)
Exercises: 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16
Chapter 6:
Practice Problems: p.252 #1,2,3; p.256 #1,3; p.261 #1-3 (answers at back of text)
Exercises: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 21
Chapter 7:
Practice Problems: p.296 #2; p.300 #1,2,3; p.313 #1-3 (answers at back of text)
Exercises: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16
Chapter 8:
Practice Problems: p.347 #1,4; p.356 #2; p.366 #1-5; p.371 #3,4 (answers at back of text)
Exercises: 2, 6, 7, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21
Three Important Homework Notes:
Last updated: December 17, 2007.